Unusual uses of aspirin

I am sure that most people use aspirin in limited cases. Such as headaches, fever, colds, etc. I dare to assure you that the use of aspirin is not limited to this.

For example, aspirin can soften a heart attack.

Aspirin fights blood clotting, as a result of which it inhibits platelets. This is one of the best cases when you are on the verge of death due to a sudden heart attack.

If you feel like you are about to have a heart attack, take an aspirin tablet and call an ambulance.
By the way, aspirin chewed in the mouth has a faster and more immediate effect than a regular tablet washed down with water.
Aspirin fights sweat stains!

Oh, that sweat-yellowed collar or shirt armpits. Aspirin can help remove these stains.
To do this, crush 1 - 2 aspirin tablets and mix with a drop of water. You have a paste that needs to be used to treat sweat stains. After a few minutes, you can wash off our paste and wash the item as usual.
In the same way, aspirin can help with blood stains.

Restoring hair color.

This use of aspirin applies to blondes who like to swim in the pool frequently. Chlorine contained in swimming pools has a very negative effect on hair. They become fragile, and sometimes a greenish tint appears.
No problem. To avoid this and strengthen your hair, you need to dissolve 8-6 tablets in water, then apply this solution to your hair and wait 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with water. You can also wash your hair with shampoo after all procedures.

Aspirin against acne.

Salicylic acid is also good for acne. If you have a pimple, crush the tablet into powder, add a little water and apply this paste to the pimple. Wait a few minutes. Next, rinse gently with water. The redness and size of the pimple should decrease.
An aspirin solution can combat the appearance of dirt from acne. To do this, you need to wash the surface with an aspirin solution.

Aspirin for insect bites.

To soothe the pain and irritation after a bite, apply a paste of aspirin tablets and water to the bite site and wait a few minutes. Redness, irritation, pain decrease significantly.

Aspirin is an organic fertilizer.

Aspirin dissolved in water (one tablet per 5 liters) helps plants fight infections. According to research, salicylic acid can cause certain changes in the roots, stems, and leaves of plants. These changes will create a more reliable plant and help it fight various diseases and insects. Aspirin is also good for weak, dying plants.

Aspirin treats dandruff.

Itching and flaking, shoulders covered in white powder are the main indicators of dandruff. Aspirin will also help you get rid of dandruff.To do this, you need to crush two aspirin tablets and dissolve this powder in the shampoo you use to wash your hair. Lather your hair with the resulting product and wait a while. Next, rinse off.

Squeezing the last juice out of a car battery.

If your battery is on its last legs and is about to die, an aspirin stimulant will help it. Regular aspirin will help your battery last a little longer.
To do this, you need to add two crushed tablets to each battery cell. (6x2=12 tablets)

Hangover treatment.

Aspirin helps the liver fight poison. After all, alcohol, no matter in what form it is, is poison. If you return home after a stormy night, take a couple of aspirin tablets before going to bed. This will help reduce the severity of your hangover in the morning.

Aspirin for radio amateurs.

It happens that flux and rosin have run out or are not at hand at all. It doesn't matter if you have an aspirin tablet on hand. Just take a tablet and start soldering. The tablet melts perfectly. Simple and normal. This method has helped me out more than once.
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Comments (20)
  1. [)eNiS
    #1 [)eNiS Guests March 30, 2011 09:41
  2. Stas
    #2 Stas Guests 16 February 2012 13:00
    When soldering with aspirin, take care of ventilation, the smell will be extremely unpleasant :)
  3. vat-pin
    #3 vat-pin Guests 10 February 2013 15:54
    The SMELL is very unpleasant, but you can even solder nichrome with it, the soldering temperature is equal to the melting point of solder - this is a minus
  4. original gift
    #4 original gift Guests 26 May 2013 10:38
    I’m not sure that’s true) although Thank you
  5. brick
    #5 brick Guests 6 July 2013 13:32
    Interesting, interesting, I’ve never come across this before.
  6. oil m8v2
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