Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

Fishing is an ancient male occupation. A real fisherman can not only catch fish, but also cook it. Currently, with the help of domestic restaurateurs, sea bass fish dishes have become popular. And the name sea bass itself came out of the doors of restaurant kitchens. In fact, sea bass and laurel are two names for one, widespread fish from the Moronov family. It is actively caught in many seas. In addition, as an endangered species, wild laurel is protected by law in some places. For supply to consumers, this fish is sometimes grown artificially. Sea bass or laurel can also be found in the Black Sea. Here this fish is the object of sport hunting.
Young fish stay in schools. Adults most often live alone. Due to its predatory nature and impressive mouth, the sea bass is also called the sea wolf.
In many European countries, bay laurel is a valuable commercial fish. Currently, you can buy sea bass in the retail chain both frozen and chilled. In the wild, there are quite large specimens weighing up to 8-10 kg and up to 1 m long.The retail chain most often sells sea bass weighing 400 - 800 g and no more than 30 - 50 cm in length.
It will take no more than 45 minutes to prepare pan-fried sea bass. Of these, 15 minutes are for cutting and preparing the fish, and 25 - 30 minutes will be required for frying it.


Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

For two servings of fried sea bass you need:
  • two uncut sea bass, weighing 400 - 500 g each;
  • ground pepper 3-4 g;
  • coarse salt 6-7 g;
  • herbs and other spices 2-3 tsp. ;
  • oils 60 ml;
  • lemon;
  • flour 70 - 80 g.

Sea bass recipe

Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

1. Chilled sea bass must be cleaned of scales and all fins must be cut off. This must be done carefully. The rays of the dorsal fin are very sharp.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

2. After all the scales have been removed and the fins have been cut off, you need to rip open the belly and take out all the insides.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

3. On the washed fish, you need to make two or three not very deep cuts on each side.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

4. After this, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice. Rub salt on all sides. Sprinkle with pepper and dry herbs. Leave the sea bass on the table for 8-10 minutes.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

5. After this, roll the fish in flour.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

6. Heat the oil on high speed. Fry the sea bass on each side for 7-8 minutes.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan

Grilled sea bass is great for any meal. If a man is planning to arrange a romantic dinner for his beloved woman, then fried sea bass is the best solution.
Whole seabass fried in a frying pan
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