Simple tire swing

Simple tire swing

This is a very simple swing that can be done in an hour. They are great for children, are well adjustable in height, and do not contain expensive or scarce materials. Your children will be delighted with this design.
Simple tire swing

The swing is hung on a branch or tree branch.

Making a swing

We take a car tire, be sure to have no studs. It’s even better if its protector is completely bald.
We take a drill and reduce it, say 10 mm. And through the same interval we make such holes. This will be the bottom of the swing, and these holes are needed to allow water to drain from the rain.
Simple tire swing

Everything that you see in the frame from the materials I used can be easily bought at any hardware or hardware store.
I needed three of these sets:
Simple tire swing

Simple tire swing

The tire in my design will be suspended on three supports. Therefore, on the other side, where there are no rain holes, drill 3 holes equally spaced from each other and insert such bolts with rings into the bottom. We tighten everything with a wrench.
Simple tire swing

We put S-shaped hooks on these rings.
Simple tire swing

And we clamp them with special pliers.
Simple tire swing

We do the same for the other two fasteners.
Simple tire swing

Next, you need to make three sections of chain, approximately 1.2 m long.And we put each one on its own hook.
Simple tire swing

We bend
Simple tire swing

Simple tire swing

As a result, we do the same for all three.
Simple tire swing

Now we collect the ends of the chains into one hook.
Simple tire swing

Like this:
Simple tire swing

We bend and fix it.
Simple tire swing

Simple tire swing

The part on the left is called a swivel, this is a swivel joint and it is needed so that the chain does not twist.
Simple tire swing

We put on the swivel.
Simple tire swing

We bend the hook.
Simple tire swing

We put on the threaded connector.
Simple tire swing

Then the carbine. It will be needed in the future so that the swing can be removed or hung at any time.
Simple tire swing

Now we measure the main chain, everything depends on the height to the branch of your tree. Cut off the required length.
Simple tire swing

We hang the chain with a reserve.
Simple tire swing

We make a ring around the branch and connect both ends of the chain with a threaded connection - a screw carabiner.
Simple tire swing

Now you can use the carabiner to hang the swing.
Simple tire swing

Simple tire swing

The swing looks just great! They will definitely delight your kids, and while they are swinging, you can relax a little.
Simple tire swing

Original article in English
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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Vlad
    #1 Guest Vlad Guests 23 May 2018 18:55
    Great, but:
    - why use (and bend) S-hooks if you can use screw carabiners everywhere?
    - the carabiner (by which the structure is suspended) is clearly rather weak. Why not a screw carbine?
  2. X.
    #2 X. Guests 27 May 2019 22:31
    Thank you friend.Great stuff.