Welding from a pencil

Welding from a pencil

Miniature welding of metal conductors or small parts can be done with a regular pencil rod. A mini welding machine with a graphite rod can not only weld, but also cut metals of small thickness.
How to apply it and for what, I think, you will decide for yourself.

Will need

  • A step-down transformer.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Wires.
  • Alligator clip.


For a miniature welding machine you will need a transformer with an output voltage of 27 V. Its power is somewhere around 50-60 W. You can take any other transformer with similar characteristics, or use ready-made sources with adjustable voltage.
Welding from a pencil

Simple pencil. It must be carefully cut along the gluing without damaging the inner rod.
Welding from a pencil

We make improvised terminals. A crocodile for the general wire, and a homemade wire hook for the electrode.
Welding from a pencil

We fix the graphite rod into the holder. We solder the wires to the transformer.
Welding from a pencil

Metal welding

Before you start welding anything, take care of safety precautions. Be sure to use safety glasses and do not touch live parts. You do all actions only at your own peril and risk, so be vigilant and careful.
For welding, prepare a fire-resistant surface: a brick, a piece of stone or tile, etc.
Let's get started. We will weld two copper wires. We connect the common one to the wires being welded, and touch the electrode to the surface to be welded.
Initially, the arc does not ignite and the lead smokes. This is normal for initial startup.
Welding from a pencil

After just a couple of seconds, the rod warms up enough and the voltage and temperature are quite enough to ignite the arc.
Welding from a pencil

We continue welding. The main thing here is not to burn the rod, as it heats up to redness and breaks. Therefore, we periodically remove it by breaking the arc to allow it to cool slightly.
Welding from a pencil

As a result, the copper conductors are perfectly welded.
Welding from a pencil

They cannot be torn apart, since the knot has become one whole.
Welding from a pencil

There is definitely a place to use this useful property on the farm.

Metal cutting

Just like a real welder, this mini model can not only weld, but also cut metal.
But for this you will have to increase both the temperature and the current. This can be achieved by reducing the length of the electrode.
As a result, the temperature will rise sharply. Cut off the self-tapping screw.
Welding from a pencil

Of course it took a little more time, but everything was cut well.
Welding from a pencil

This is a big plus craftsthat no expensive materials are used, and it only takes five minutes to assemble everything.
Do not underestimate the advantages of such a device; in some cases it can definitely come in handy.

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Comments (5)
  1. Guest Victor
    #1 Guest Victor Guests 18 May 2018 15:19
    It's better to take a carbon rod from a battery
  2. Dmitriy
    #2 Dmitriy Guests 21 May 2018 13:34
    Aren't you going to burn the transformer?
  3. Babeuf
    #3 Babeuf Guests 24 May 2018 20:47
    It's better to take charcoal powder.
  4. Guest Alexander
    #4 Guest Alexander Guests 28 May 2018 21:15
    For carbon welding I use a 600 watt trans and a carbon brush from a generator. But with a device like this you can’t make much work.
  5. Guest Nikolay
    #5 Guest Nikolay Guests February 22, 2022 00:43
    I welded the wrong coins. It was necessary to weld Bitcoins.