How to charge a dead battery using another phone

How to charge a dead battery using another phone

There are situations when the charger for your phone is broken, and you urgently need to charge your device. But don't despair. If you do not live alone, then the problem can be easily solved. Any other phone of your family member will be suitable for charging the battery. However, you need to make sure that the voltage on the batteries from both phones is the same.

We will need

  • 1. Battery from your phone.
  • 2. Two wires with “crocodiles” soldered to them. Or any other clamps.
  • 3. Elastic band.
  • 4. Match.
  • 5. A phone through which we will charge the battery.
  • 6. The top part is from a universal charger (if available).

Charge the battery using another phone

How to charge a dead battery using another phone

So let's get started. If you don’t have a non-working universal charger, then we’ll use a match and an elastic band. Take the battery and connect the wires. They must be connected to the plus and minus of the battery. At the same time, do not forget about polarity.
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

We fix all this with a match and tighten it with several turns of elastic. In this case, you need to be careful not to short-circuit the wires. This may damage the battery.
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

If you have a non-working universal charger, you can directly connect the wires to the top cover.
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

We insert the battery, having previously remembered the connection of the plus and minus.
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

Then we take the battery from the connected phone. We remember the polarity on it. We connect our battery, simulating the original battery of the device. Plus to plus, minus to minus.
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

After that, we connect the phone and charge our battery.
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

Or like this:
How to charge a dead battery using another phone

In this way you can charge batteries from different devices. You just need to make sure that the voltage on the batteries is identical.
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4 minus one =
Comments (4)
  1. Guest Andrey
    #1 Guest Andrey Guests 4 August 2018 16:55
    Excuse me, but for what purpose and where might this be useful? on a hike? It’s unlikely, because now for hikes power banks with recharging on a solar battery and it’s unlikely that on a hike there will be an unnecessary phone with a good battery, and then the whole point is lost since there is a phone with a good battery =) in general, nothing.
  2. Guest Mikhail
    #2 Guest Mikhail Guests 6 August 2018 15:16
    it feels like it's the early 90s
  3. Greg
    #3 Greg Guests 7 August 2018 10:41
    This is nonsense! Especially about the same voltage. And who will charge whom? And yes! What is this whole circus for?
  4. Artem.
    #4 Artem. Guests 8 July 2022 15:07
    Sorry if you don’t like the idea or don’t know where to apply it, then keep quiet