DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Hello dear readers. Do not buy an electric meat grinder until you read this article to the end. Its essence is to combine a screwdriver and an ordinary meat grinder, the result is a unique, portable miracle.
A cordless, portable meat grinder that you can take with you anywhere. I bet few people can boast of this.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Pros of a homemade meat grinder

To evaluate the benefits, let’s compare this device with a factory-made electric meat grinder.
  • The price is almost free, since most people have everything at home.
  • It is not tied to an outlet - take it wherever you want: even on a hike, even on a fishing trip, even to the dacha.
  • Switching modes.
  • Possibility of breaking bones with blows from a ratchet screwdriver.
  • Versatility (easy to turn into a regular meat grinder).
  • Easy to assemble.

The disadvantages are not so obvious, but still:
  • Appearance.
  • There is an unpleasant load on your hands when holding a screwdriver.

After all of the above, let's admit to ourselves that we use a meat grinder 2-3 times a year. Therefore, there is no point in buying a factory one.

Will need

So what do we need?
  • A hand grinder is common.
  • Cordless screwdriver.
  • Bolt.

DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

The bolt must be taken with the same thread, which is screwed into the auger shaft.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Assembling an electric meat grinder using a screwdriver

We clamp the bolt in the screwdriver chuck. Try to center the bolt better so that there is minimal beating during operation.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

We check by screwing the bolt into the auger.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

If everything is fine, install the auger into the housing and screw the bolt protruding from the screwdriver into it.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Install the knife.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

We put the grid knife.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Tighten the clamping nut.
DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Let's check. All is ready!

Watch the video

Now I suggest you watch a video of this device in action. Fish is used as an example.

There are final beats, but they are not particularly critical, at least nothing jumps out of the hands.
Thank you for your attention!
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (6)
  1. Guest Victor
    #1 Guest Victor Guests 7 August 2018 14:38
    This is not a meat grinder, but a control knob. The meat grinder is ready.
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests August 8, 2018 08:54
    These meat grinders have a short neck, you can end up without fingers! You need some kind of pusher.
  3. Guest Mikhail
    #3 Guest Mikhail Guests August 8, 2018 12:17
    But everyone around is fools. They come up with some kind of meat grinders, with a power three times more than Shurik’s, and some kind of gearboxes they make up from a bunch of different gears. And here you go, I saw similar nonsense on the internet, with a floor-length beard. And, eureka.
  4. Fedor
    #4 Fedor Guests 10 August 2018 20:18
    I’ve been practicing this for 15 years, albeit with an electric drill.
    1. Guest Igor
      #5 Guest Igor Guests September 8, 2018 09:51
      Are your fingers all in place? I find it hard to believe.
  5. Guest Igor
    #6 Guest Igor Guests September 8, 2018 09:49
    Good luck to those who wish to remain without fingers! And you will definitely put your fingers in to correct some piece. Zipper and no fingers, but there will be a little more minced meat.
    It was not fools who came up with a very high neck for receiving meat, so that you couldn’t put your fingers in there. Even a child won’t be able to put his hand in there, it’s too narrow. Everything was calculated for the monkey.