Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

It happens that in a hurry you can inaccurately pull the cabinet doors, so much so that the hinge breaks out. If furniture made of MDF or chipboard, you usually have to move the hinge to a new place, since a torn section remains on the old one, so it is no longer possible to attach it with self-tapping screws. However, there is a reliable method for restoring a torn surface, which few people know about.
Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

Required tools and materials

The tools you will need are a small brush, a spatula and a screwdriver. Materials you will need:
  • PVA glue;
  • wood dust;
  • sawdust.

Recovery process

First you need to lubricate the door at the damaged area with a brush with PVA glue. This is a kind of primer that increases the adhesion of the restoration layer. Afterwards you need to prepare the putty. It is made by mixing PVA, wood dust and sawdust.
Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

In the absence of the last two components, they can be easily made in a couple of minutes. To do this you will need to take any dry wooden plank. When cutting it with a hand hacksaw, you will get sawdust of the required fraction.If you sand the wood with sandpaper or a file, you can create wood dust. The ratio of sawdust and dust should be approximately the same; glue is added in such an amount that a paste-like thick mass is obtained.
Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

Well-mixed putty is applied with a spatula to the torn surface of the door. You need to try to press it in to ensure good adhesion. After puttying you need to wait for it to dry.
Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

After about a day or more, depending on the characteristics of the glue and the ambient temperature, the surface will completely harden. In this case, the putty will shrink strongly, so a depression will appear. To remove it you will need to putty again. It is made only from a mixture of PVA and wood dust. This will be the finishing layer, so you need to be more careful. The mass is also pressed with a spatula. This putty is made of small particles, so it will not shrink as much.
Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

After final drying, a loop is placed. The new surface allows you to tighten the self-tapping screw without pre-drilling. Of course, you shouldn’t tighten the fasteners too much to avoid tearing them out.
Repair of torn furniture doors made of chipboard and MDF

This method of repairing a torn door allows you to do everything very reliably. As for the unsightliness of the restored surface, this is not so critical, because it is hidden inside the cabinet. If you wish, you can always paint over the putty stain with a matching wax paint pencil to improve the appearance a little.

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Comments (13)
  1. Turkin Dmitry
    #1 Turkin Dmitry Guests 1 January 2019 16:04
    Wouldn't epoxy be better?
    1. Igor Shipenko
      #2 Igor Shipenko Guests 2 January 2019 15:28
      Absolutely correct even without the question mark. You prepare a suitable piece of paste-like epoxy, vigorously press it into the hole formed, and cut off the excess flush. Immediately screw in and unscrew the screws and leave for a day. Then you firmly install the suspension. I did this a couple of years ago and am pleased.
  2. Siberian
    #3 Siberian Guests 1 January 2019 18:36
    An ordinary glue gun and woo ala. Calmly tighten the screws.
    1. Pavel Kalina
      #4 Pavel Kalina Guests April 6, 2019 09:41
      It will fall off like a big one. Gun glue is not an option at all)))
  3. Guest Gosha
    #5 Guest Gosha Guests 2 January 2019 18:05
    Using a Forstner drill (or another) we drill two holes (the diameter of the dowel), set them on PVA and that’s it! And this is just hemorrhoids.
    1. Sector
      #6 Sector Guests 25 January 2019 19:03
      PVA is not intended for power elements. And door hinges are the power part. Your PVA will fly out in a maximum of 2-3 weeks. Only epoxy will help here.
  4. medvegonok71
    #7 medvegonok71 Guests January 3, 2019 04:09
    It’s better to take cold welding, mix it in the required proportions and putty. After 2 hours you can install the loop.
  5. Semyon
    #8 Semyon Guests 3 January 2019 19:26
    glue second and soda work for 5 minutes
  6. Naked tit connoisseur
    #9 Naked tit connoisseur Guests 4 January 2019 22:59
    don’t be crazy - the author wrote PVA - and there’s no point in inventing it.
    1. Sector
      #10 Sector Guests 25 January 2019 19:07
      The author just didn’t get around to epoxy resins in school. PVA is good at gluing paper; it glues cardboard worse. But under good load, you can glue stationary parts of wood that are not under load. But in essence, it’s the same as if the author covered the hole with plasticine and screwed a screw in there. If you don't touch the cabinet door anymore, it will stay there for quite a long time.
  7. Guest Yuri
    #11 Guest Yuri Guests 6 January 2019 18:39
    Since Soviet times I have been doing such things with epoxy glue: it is more reliable than PVA.
  8. Egor
    #12 Egor Guests 8 January 2019 18:35
    Well, few people know what this is - it’s already too much. I've been doing this my whole life. But still respect to the author. Such a photo. I tried. Or maybe someone doesn’t know...
  9. Clear
    #13 Clear Guests 24 August 2022 13:08
    That you are not always better, then. They just give you advice. If you don’t like it, do it as you need.