Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Everyone is familiar with this terrible sound of a trimmer working; it irritates not only the mower himself, but also everyone around him. It’s worth working with a lawn mower even for a short time and this ringing just stays in your ears. This drawback resulted from the use of a miniature muffler in its composition. I decided to make my own remote muffler for the trimmer in order to significantly reduce the noise level it produces.
The first thing you need to do is record the sound of the old, built-in specimen, so that you can then compare it with the new exhibit.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

The level just went off scale. Incredibly loud, especially up close. The sound is sharp, high-pitched, sawing, disgustingly vile and annoying.

Will need

  • Steel tube 20-25 mm in diameter.
  • A piece of steel pipe 80-100 mm in diameter and 120-150 mm long.
  • Glass wool.
  • Steel rectangle 3-5 mm thick.

Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Making a muffler for a trimmer

We will make a simple straight-through muffler.
We place the pipe on a steel strip and spray it with aerosol red so that the pipe leaves an outline.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Using a grinder, cut out two round pieces.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We drill a hole in both. The diameter is the same as a thin tube.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

In a thin tube, we retreat approximately 50 mm from one edge and drill holes in a scattered pattern at a distance of a large cylinder.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We insert the tube into the hole of one round piece. We do welding.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We put on a large cylinder and weld it to the round.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We stuff glass wool inside. There is no need to press hard, and it should not move freely inside.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We put on the second round and scald.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We sand the entire structure.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Next, you need to connect this muffler to the engine to replace the old one.
We remove the standard muffler.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We lean it against a strip of steel to notice the working holes.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Drill one large and two small holes.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

From another thin tube we make an oblique cut at a distance of 35-40 mm.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We weld at right angles.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We weld it to a rectangle with holes.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We weld our pipeline with fastening to the main muffler.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We sand everything with a sander. View of the finished muffler.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Temporarily install the muffler in place for testing. We start the trimmer and listen to it at work.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We cut grooves for the new muffler in the protective cover of the trimmer.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We install it temporarily and check that nothing interferes.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

We paint and install a permanent muffler instead of the standard one.
Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Now the brush cutter is much quieter. The sound became lower in timbre, smoother, and, naturally, lower in level. Using the tool has become more comfortable and enjoyable.

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Comments (26)
  1. Igor
    #1 Igor Guests April 29, 2019 10:52
    It is most effective to wear headphones and not reinvent the wheel.
    1. Well
      #2 Well Guests 29 April 2019 13:29
      What about the people around? and Neighbors?
    2. Kashchei
      #3 Kashchei Guests May 4, 2019 09:35
      And carry such a weight to a heavy braid around your neck?
      I would immediately stick it from Zhiguli)
  2. Guest Yuri
    #4 Guest Yuri Guests 29 April 2019 14:16
    You probably need to add a muffler
  3. Guest Dmitry
    #5 Guest Dmitry Guests 30 April 2019 06:28
    Judging by the thickness of the workpieces, the weight of the trimmer has doubled...
  4. Guest Dmitry
    #6 Guest Dmitry Guests 30 April 2019 13:57
    When buying a lawn mower, I also wanted to further muffle the sound, but!!! This is not recommended. Loss of power and overheating. Here is the price of changes not approved by the manufacturer.
    1. Guest Gosha
      #7 Guest Gosha Guests 30 April 2019 22:33
      And the weight and vibration of the plug itself will tear the thin silumin walls of the cylinder. They are already breaking, and then there is such a frame hanging.
  5. Dima
    #8 Dima Guests 30 April 2019 23:33
    Well, the power, which is not much, will drop.
  6. Rinat
    #9 Rinat Guests May 1, 2019 08:12
    What about 2t? you need a resonator and not a muffler, the result is an increase in weight, a loss of power and the end of the pistons!
  7. Akril
    #10 Akril Guests May 1, 2019 11:13
    As for me, then I could have attached a silencer from a moped, at least it technologically corresponds to its name, and it clearly weighs less than this pile of metal
  8. Egor
    #11 Egor Guests 1 May 2019 21:20
    Author! Respect! It's rare that someone is so "calm" about...t! I also hate this “signature” squeal of the “shtihl” and “huska” - the latter have household saws that squeal due to eternal air leaks. And by the way! The “true Aryan” “Solo” uses a muffler with CATALYTIC wire packing! The exhaust burns out. But on fignew gasoline and with excess oil, it becomes hot and overheats the piston.
  9. Guest Dmitry
    #12 Guest Dmitry Guests 2 May 2019 16:37
    How much does it weigh??? probably like the brush cutter itself???
  10. Guest Sergey
    #13 Guest Sergey Guests May 3, 2019 03:57
    Now you need to attach at least a couple of wheels to move it all...