How to thread a needle without wetting, devices and unnecessary red tape

How to thread a needle without wetting the tools and unnecessary red tape

I won’t say that this is the secret of secrets, but many are not familiar with this simple method. In the classic version, everyone wets the tip of the thread with saliva and with one eye, taking aim, tries to thread the thread into a tiny eye.
This same method is often used by experienced seamstresses, since there is no need to wet anything or waste extra time looking for special devices for threading. And the method itself can be called fast if you compare it with the classic one, where most of the time is spent trying to aim and missing.

Thread the needle without any extra effort

Wrap the thread around the needle and pull it tightly. We pinch the needle with our fingers so that it is mostly visible.
How to thread a needle without wetting the tools and unnecessary red tape

Then, we pull out the needle and you should get a clamped loop between your clenched fingers.
How to thread a needle without wetting the tools and unnecessary red tape

Now use your eye to place the needle on this loop and apply pressure, pushing the thread into the needle.
How to thread a needle without wetting the tools and unnecessary red tape

The loop fits in almost on its own with proper skill.Next, we pull the coil that went through the eye.
How to thread a needle without wetting the tools and unnecessary red tape

And pull the shorter end of the thread out of the loop. Now the thread is threaded through the needle, which is exactly what we needed.
How to thread a needle without wetting the tools and unnecessary red tape

This is a simple way of threading, as an option, you can easily adopt it if you did not know about it before.
If it doesn't work out the first time, try again. In the future everything will be as it should be.

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Comments (4)
  1. Vita
    #1 Vita Guests 19 September 2019 07:24
    Nothing is said about the thickness of the thread. But I’ll try, if it doesn’t work, I’ll advise you to buy a thread threader, I bought three types here, and a special needle to boot.
  2. Svetlana
    #2 Svetlana Guests 21 September 2019 17:41
    30 threads fit perfectly into a small eye
    1. Vita
      #3 Vita Guests September 25, 2019 09:34
      I tried it: after the first attempt I put on glasses, after the second I switched to the traditional method. Another problem is cramping my fingers.... I still advise you to buy a thread threader and a larger size, it fits exactly...
  3. sergey grinchenko
    #4 sergey grinchenko Guests November 21, 2019 01:22
    I don’t understand why it is necessary to pull the needle out and then push it in again so that the thread remains in the eye. Isn’t it easier to move the needle itself with its eye towards the thread???