Powerful homemade Wi-Fi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Quite often you can find open Wi-Fi networks with good distribution speeds. However, they have a limited range, which does not allow you to always count on free Internet. This situation can be resolved by using a powerful antenna that can detect Wi-Fi several kilometers from its source.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Necessary materials:

  • lids for canning – 20 pcs.;
  • M8 hairpin – 50 cm;
  • M8 nuts and washers;
  • Wi-Fi adapter;
  • coaxial cable with adapter connector.

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Antenna manufacturing

To assemble the antenna, you need to cut round plates from canning lids. Before doing this, you need to find the center on them and drill an 8 mm hole in it for further threading of the plates onto a pin.
You can determine the center using a regular stationery ruler. It is applied to the lid so that its corners are along the circle line. Using a felt-tip pen, draw two parallel lines along the edge of the ruler, after which the same marks are made, but shifted by 90 degrees.As a result, the lid will have a lattice with a square in the middle. By drawing diagonals in it, you can mark the center for drilling. The most convenient way is to mark one cover and drill them all together in a stack, which will greatly speed up the process.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Next, you need to trim the covers to the diameter corresponding to the antenna design. To do this, the first cover is left unchanged, the second is cut to 68 mm, the third to 50 mm, and another 17 pieces to 40 mm.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

It is very important to trim smoothly, so markings are made first. The circle is drawn with a compass or using a paper clip.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

You can cut with ordinary stationery scissors.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

In the future, a cable will be connected to the antenna, so at the disk processing stage you need to make holes for its core. They need to be drilled 2 cm from the edge on the two largest discs. On the first disk with a diameter of 90 mm, you need to use a 7 mm drill; on the second disk, 68 mm, you need to use a 0.7 mm drill.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

If you use an adapter for 2 antennas, you will need to make 2 more similar holes. They are drilled offset relative to the first ones by a quarter of a circle.
Next, the discs are installed on the stud. First, 17 small ones are clamped, then 50 mm, 68 mm and 90 mm. The distance between small segments is 22 mm. Each disk is clamped between two M8 nuts.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

In front of a plate with a diameter of 50 mm, it is necessary to make an indent of 12 mm, in front of 68 mm - 9 mm, and in front of 90 mm - 7 mm. The last elements are clamped using washers, since the nuts are much wider than the required gap.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

To use the antenna, you must connect a coaxial wire to it.To do this, you need to strip the central core a few centimeters, then remove the top insulation another centimeter and install part of the F-connector or another tip. After this, the wire is first inserted into the 90 mm disc. There is curved metal around its hole that can be crimped with side cutters, securely fixing the cable.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

The central core of the wire should also be crimped with metal along the rim of the hole on the 68 mm disk.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

A homemade antenna is attached instead of a standard antenna to a USB Wi-Fi adapter. After that, it connects to a computer or laptop.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

After that, an automatic search is performed, which shows dozens of networks, some of which may be free or open access.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

You can also connect the antenna via an adapter to a tablet or laptop.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

You can also connect it to a router and configure distribution.
Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

Powerful homemade WiFi antenna for receiving signals from remote open networks

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Comments (23)
  1. Victor Ivanov
    #1 Victor Ivanov Guests 27 September 2019 17:56
    lobbies for caps. Well done.
  2. Guest Oleg
    #2 Guest Oleg Guests 28 September 2019 15:17
    Something tells me that it’s better to buy an external antenna specifically for your router or adapter.
  3. Im
    #3 Im Guests 29 September 2019 19:01
    Such an antenna will work no better than any metal pin.
    1. popvovka
      #4 popvovka Guests 16 October 2019 22:17
      Seriously? What is the direction of the pin? It's omnidirectional. This antenna is a needle antenna.
      This is an antenna, a clone of Bester's antenna. Read at your leisure. When the waffle appeared, people made an antenna out of a beer can, it was a little weaker. This antenna has huge gain. The Bester antenna was invented long before Creosan.
      1. Saaneek
        #5 Saaneek Guests 30 July 2021 19:59
        Before Kreosan, this antenna had been known since the times of Uda and Yaga. Highly directional antenna. On Lunakhod, and in many places it is used. People don't buy it much because... setting it up is difficult.
  4. Guest Leonid
    #6 Guest Leonid Guests 29 September 2019 20:48
    and someone will believe in this lie
    1. Fedor Sumkin
      #7 Fedor Sumkin Guests 9 October 2019 15:36
      This antenna works, I assembled it the other day, although it was smaller in size, not from caps, I cut it from an oil can. I did it to forward wi-fi from my parents’ house to my brother’s house.
      In the video, of course, they tell a lot of things, this is an ordinary directional antenna, for good transmission you need two of them, or ideal conditions are needed, we don’t have those, but at a distance of 200 meters the antenna communicates normally with a mobile phone and catches all its neighbors.
    2. popvovka
      #8 popvovka Guests 16 October 2019 22:17
      Believe it, you need to check it. It still works, tested.
  5. oem
    #9 oem Guests 29 September 2019 22:04
    And then for those poor souls to whom you connect, the wifi network will fail, since there is no direct visibility (you have no idea where the AP you are connecting to is located) and your connection will work on a pure reflection with a bunch of repetitions, which will force the AP to work only on you. It's called - after me there might be a flood. For your point-to-point links, do what you want, but advertising it as “reception of open wifi networks” is bestiality.
    1. Ivan Novoselov
      #10 Ivan Novoselov Guests 18 March 2020 13:01
      Is it weak to set a password for your network?
  6. Guest Vladimir
    #11 Guest Vladimir Guests 30 September 2019 10:59
    A piece of wire successfully replaces similar inventions that do not have measured characteristics.
  7. Guest Gennady
    #12 Guest Gennady Guests 1 October 2019 20:05
    And at what frequency does this miracle work? Let me guess, probably all of them!!!
  8. Yearning
    #13 Yearning Guests 1 October 2019 22:19
    An ordinary wave channel, read Karl, ours, Rothhammel.
  9. ralex
    #14 ralex Guests 7 October 2019 12:06
    everything would be fine, but he connected the antenna in the smartphone not to a wi-fi antenna at all, but to a common cellular one, I think the person wasted his time, his antenna won’t work, he won’t even try!
  10. Yakovlevich
    #15 Yakovlevich Guests 9 October 2019 15:22
    Wouldn’t it be better to buy a router and then a repeater for it?
    1. Alex
      #16 Alex Guests 3 November 2019 21:38
      so this kind of garbage costs several times cheaper than a router and repeater, well, it’s fun for playful little hands