How to peel an egg instantly. A method that you will definitely adopt

How to instantly peel an egg A method that you will definitely use

The holidays are coming, and this means not only fun, but also the preparation of various dishes. As you know, most salad recipes use chicken or quail eggs. Cleaning them is incredibly labor intensive. 1-2 pieces still didn’t go anywhere, but cleaning two dozen is extremely problematic; quail ones are generally unimaginably difficult.
But now forget about all this, the method described below will save you from these problems and save you a ton of time.

Clean eggs instantly

So here's the whole point. Boil the eggs hard as usual for 10-12 minutes (3-4 minutes for quail eggs). Then drain the boiling water and immediately fill them with ice-cold tap water. This is a mandatory condition, since due to a sharp temperature change, the shell changes its properties and becomes fragile.
How to instantly peel an egg A method that you will definitely use

After cooling for 1-2 minutes in cold water, take a tall glass, pour some water into it and put one egg (2-3 quail).
How to instantly peel an egg A method that you will definitely use

We hold it between our palms and shake it vigorously from side to side.
How to instantly peel an egg A method that you will definitely use

The water softens the blows, penetrates under the shell and tears it off.
2-3 seconds, tilt the glass into your hand and catch a completely cleaned egg.
How to instantly peel an egg A method that you will definitely use

It seems like a miracle, but it is reality. Be sure to try it and be surprised how easy it is!
Now peeling a package of quail eggs for Caesar salad is not a problem for me now! Be sure to save this life hack if you didn’t know about it before.

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Comments (4)
  1. Guest Alexey
    #1 Guest Alexey Guests November 8, 2019 12:39
    It's fun, I need to tell my wife. I go out for breakfast, the eggs are already without shells, I don’t even know how she makes them bare....
  2. Akril
    #2 Akril Guests November 9, 2019 00:02
    funny, you should take it into your arsenal
  3. Guest Alexey
    #3 Guest Alexey Guests 16 February 2020 07:43
    so you can only leave it past due and it doesn’t matter what it says on the package with the date, fresh egg so don’t peel it
    1. Michael
      #4 Michael Guests 29 March 2020 23:51
      fresh eggs clean worse than old ones