Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

Steel containers for collecting and storing precipitation for irrigation and other household needs rust quite quickly, since they come into contact with water for a long time. As a result, over the years, such tanks become leaky. To repair them, various means can be used, most of which require pre-drying, which requires repairs to be carried out in advance. However, there is a method that allows you to close the hole in a minute and immediately use the tank to fill it with water.
Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

What you will need:

  • thick cannon fat;
  • metal brush.

Barrel repair process

The damaged area on the walls of a barrel or other steel tank must be cleaned. Peeling rust can be removed with any sharp object; the deposits are swept away with a metal brush. There is no need to clean it to a shine, you just need to get to a strong base to apply the composition.
Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

Next, the cannon fat is taken and rolled into a ball of sufficient size to cover the damage existing on the barrel. Then it is pressed against the hole from the inside and spread with a layer of up to 5 mm.If the cannon fat from the ball is not enough, you can add it.
Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

Cannon lard is a water-insoluble preservation material. Therefore, after its use, the water in a leaky container will not change its chemical composition. A rainbow film will not appear on it, as if oil products enter it. The product retains its qualities for a very long time. A barrel repaired in this way may well serve for another 5 or more years, until a new hole appears on the side again, which can also be blocked with cannon fat.
It must be taken into account that the temperature range for using cannon lard is from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius. That is, it cannot be used to repair containers that need to be heated. Due to its thickness, the product can quite reliably repair a container with a through hole with a diameter of 30 mm.
Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

When you buy cannon lard in a jar, inside there may be a substance with a soft consistency, reminiscent of grease. It works as a good, easy-to-apply metal preservative, but is not suitable for repairing holes in barrels. You need to look for pushsalo in briquettes. It's thick. It can be found in auto stores, as well as in auto enamel stores. Cannon lard can be stored for decades, and is also inexpensive, so by purchasing 1 kg of it, you can quickly repair barrels and troughs almost until the end of your life.

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Comments (3)
  1. Alexander Vasilievich Fatyanov
    #1 Alexander Vasilievich Fatyanov Guests 25 May 2020 18:59
    It doesn’t treat holes in the bottom or close to it, it squeezes it out every other day when the barrel is full. The best thing to do is clean it and fill the patch with epoxy. But in general, the barrel needs to be painted.
  2. Guest Alexander
    #2 Guest Alexander Guests 16 June 2020 03:08
    Soak a piece of rubber from a car inner tube in gasoline until it softens and stick it from the inside of the barrel onto the cleaned area around the hole. All.
  3. Anton
    #3 Anton Guests August 3, 2021 11:29
    It can be even simpler. Buy 1.5 meter wide polyethylene at a hardware store. Length - approximately 1.5 times the height of the barrel. Polyethylene in the form of a stocking is sold in layers and the lower part is folded twice and wrapped with tape. Stuff this stocking into a barrel, make the upper part like a headband and secure it with an ingenious invention of mankind - tape. And everything turned out to be a container and does not rust.