A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

Young seedlings often wither and die immediately after planting, which is caused by pests in the soil. They eat up the tender roots, causing the plant to die. To prevent this from happening, you need to scare away wireworms, mole crickets and other pests from the seedlings until its roots become stronger and rougher.
A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

What you will need:

  • water;
  • ammonia 10%;
  • watering can.

The process of preparing the product and processing the plantings

To repel pests, you need to water the soil around the root system of the seedlings with a special compound. It is a solution of ammonia and water. For 10 liters of water you need to use 1 tablespoon of alcohol. The components are mixed directly in the watering can.
A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

Then you need to spill the prepared ammonia solution onto the soil around the seedlings, but being careful not to flood its leaves. It is necessary to create a ring of unfavorable soil for pests around the plant. Such a low concentration of alcohol will not burn the roots of the seedlings, but is quite unpleasant for insects.
A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

Watering with the solution is carried out on pre-moistened soil. After it has been absorbed, it is advisable to sprinkle the soaked soil with dry soil to slow down the evaporation and decomposition of ammonia.
A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

A spoonful of this affordable remedy and you will forget about ants and mole crickets

This treatment of the soil around the plant is done at intervals of 10-12 days. As soon as the seedlings are well rooted and their roots become coarse, the treatment can be stopped, since then the tough plant ceases to be interesting for pests.

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Comments (2)
  1. Alexei.
    #1 Alexei. Guests 28 June 2020 13:24
    I tried it under strawberries this spring, the pests ask for more for their appetite.
  2. grigory
    #2 grigory Guests July 23, 2020 00:11
    But the problem is not solved...Where will the bear go? To a neighbor? It must be destroyed, and not scared away... Like the Colorado potato beetle... You can’t scare it... Therefore, you need to know how and when you can destroy the mole cricket, the main enemy of our gardens!!!