We remove mole crickets from the site 100% free

Well-fertilized beds and vegetable gardens often harbor mole crickets. She eats potatoes, carrots, beets and other root vegetables. It also affects young trees, whose roots it gnaws. In this regard, at the first sign of a mole cricket, you need to urgently get rid of it. For this, specialized compounds can be used, but they contaminate the soil with chemicals. It is much better to use traditional, absolutely safe methods. One such method is eggshell.

What you will need:

  • eggshell;
  • masher;
  • bucket;
  • shovel.

The process of fighting the mole cricket

At the first sign of a mole cricket, you need to start collecting eggshells. It is dumped into a separate container until there is enough of it to process the existing area inhabited by mole crickets.
We remove mole crickets from the site 100% free

After this, you need to grind the shell into dust, but not into flour. It should produce small fragments that the pest can swallow. Old shells are best for grinding. Fresh ones are more difficult to break due to the elasticity of the inner film. It is convenient to pound the shells in a mortar or potato masher.You can simply crush it in a bucket with the handle of a shovel, but the particle fraction will be less suitable.
We remove mole crickets from the site 100% free

The affected area is then dug into the line. A little shell is poured onto the turned out soil. It needs to be grown over the entire surface. Then the second row is dug up. Thus, the previously scattered shells end up in the ground. If the processing is carried out in the summer, when the crop has not yet been harvested, and it is impossible to dig up the entire area, then it is enough to lay the shells in the free areas. It can be buried between rows of plants, or where they have already been harvested. It is advisable to place the shells closer to crops that are interesting for mole crickets. These are carrots, potatoes, etc.
We remove mole crickets from the site 100% free

We remove mole crickets from the site 100% free

The mole cricket has a weakness for eggshells, reacting to it no less actively than cats do to valerian. By digging tunnels through areas with such lines with shells, she will definitely find it and eat it. The sharp edges of the shell damage the mole cricket's digestive tract, causing the pest's death.
The method works 100%. Of course, to get rid of the pest in this way, you will have to work with a shovel, but you do not need to use an insecticide. To prevent the mole cricket from appearing again, it is advisable to do this treatment every year. It is optimal to scatter the shells on the plowed ground in the spring before cultivating it.

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Comments (3)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests 13 June 2020 22:21
    And who and when decided that the mole cricket actually eats the shell? If it leaves this area of ​​the garden with the shell embedded in the ground, it is most likely due to the fact that the sharp edges of the shell particles cause injuries to the front legs with which it digs the ground.
  2. Guest Evgeniy Potapov
    #2 Guest Evgeniy Potapov Guests 14 June 2020 20:02
    The most environmentally friendly way is to have a hedgehog on your property... smirk
  3. wildmobi
    #3 wildmobi Guests March 26, 2021 12:41
    How to get rid of mole crickets forever. A story about one very interesting and passive method of how to deal with mole crickets in the garden and garden plot with a simple means.
    Of course, you can watch videos about folk remedies for mole crickets and the destruction of mole crickets on your site, until you are stupefied, sitting at the zombie-fighter. Folk remedies for mole crickets no longer help?!!
    Everyone has their own methods, but which is the best?