How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

Residents of cities and towns located near television transmitting stations do not need to install antennas with signal amplifiers. For them, purchasing such equipment is not practical. It is enough to assemble a simple antenna from an aluminum can of energy drink, beer or soda, and connect it to the TV to get a clear picture.


  • aluminum can;
  • thin plywood;
  • coaxial cable;
  • TV plug.

The process of making an antenna from an aluminum can

The top and bottom of the jar are cut off, then the remaining tube is unraveled lengthwise.
How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

The resulting sheet is folded in half and cut into 2 halves.
How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

The workpieces are marked diagonally in the form of a crosshair with one side branch. Then 2 antenna parts are cut out from it.
How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

A piece of coaxial cable is connected to the TV plug.
How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

Next you need to fix the antenna blanks on the plane. A piece of plywood is perfect for this, since they can simply be nailed to it with a stapler.
How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

The free end of the cable is attached between the antenna elements.Its central core should be connected to one part of the antenna, and the winding to the other. You don't even have to solder anything. It is enough to nail the cores tightly to the metal with a stapler. Such a simple antenna, assembled in 10 minutes, will work no worse than a store-bought one.
How to make a simple digital TV antenna from an aluminum can

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Comments (2)
  1. Prokop
    #1 Prokop Guests 11 January 2021 14:49
    And you can cut out half of the antenna from a whole can.
  2. Yuri Kiselev
    #2 Yuri Kiselev Guests 26 January 2021 20:47
    Such an antenna will work if the tower is in line of sight within a couple of km.