How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients

How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
This active flux recipe is considered one of the best among homemade liquid or gel soldering fluxes. It is non-toxic and has moderate activity in tinning contaminated and oxidized surfaces. The most important thing is that it contains only natural ingredients that are accessible to everyone. The flux is prepared incredibly quickly: in just 2-3 minutes.

Active flux composition:

  • Pine rosin.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Glycerol.
  • Petrolatum.
As you can see, almost all the ingredients can be found at home and without a trip to the pharmacy or grocery store.

How to quickly prepare active flux at home

To quickly prepare a portion of active flux, take an ordinary tablespoon as a container for mixing and heating. Break off a small piece of rosin into a spoon, up to about half the volume of the spoon. It is not necessary to grind it into dust; it will dissolve on its own when heated.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
Next, add about 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. This is precisely the most active component in the composition.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
Now pipette 4-5 drops of glycerin.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
Finally, add Vaseline, about 1/2 teaspoon.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
We heat the resulting composition on a gas burner.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
Until completely dissolved. Stir, everything will dissolve very quickly.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
After cooling a little, we draw the active flux into a syringe or any other convenient container for you.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients

Soldering with homemade active flux

Let's try to tin the wire. We dip it in flux and tin it with a soldering iron. Everything is clear, fast and simple.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
Well, copper wire is already tinned well, but what about other metals?
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
Battery pole.
How to prepare active soldering flux from available household ingredients
All surfaces are stored perfectly. There is no strong or toxic smell when soldering.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest oleg
    #1 Guest oleg Guests 27 April 2023 20:25
    I wonder if the author has any idea about the role of each component in this flux?