Do-it-yourself automatic battery-powered cabinet lighting

In less than an hour, you can assemble a simple closet light that turns on automatically when the doors are opened. Thanks to the battery, it will work even in the absence of electricity. The economical one used in it Light-emitting diode will allow you to charge the device once every couple of months or less.


Backlight manufacturing process

It is necessary to solder the wires from the battery to the charging module, as well as 2 wires for power supply LED. It is better to use a small battery, 200 mAh is enough.

Next, we solder a reed switch and a resistor to the LED module, as shown in the photo. As a result Light-emitting diode should start to glow. When you bring a magnet closer to the reed switch, it fades. That's it, the technical part of the lighting is ready.

Now you need to assemble the body.To do this, you will need to cut 2 plugs for a 50 mm pipe from sheet plastic. A hole is made in the center of one to glue the LED module.

Next, a ring is cut out of a plastic pipe of sufficient width to accommodate the technical component of the device.

A hole is cut in the ring to connect the charging module to the charger and indicators. Now the plugs with all the contents are glued in.

Charge the battery before use.

All that remains is to secure the device under the shelf in the closet. On the contrary, a magnet is glued to his door. Thus, when the door is closed, the reed switch disconnects the contacts and Light-emitting diode does not burn.

As soon as you open the cabinet, the lighting automatically turns on.

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