How to clear snow from a high roof with an ordinary rope alone

A large amount of snow mass on the roof of a house, domestic premises or carport increases the load on the roof structure and can lead to its deformation or even partial or complete collapse. To prevent such undesirable consequences, snow from the roof must be periodically removed throughout the winter.

Coping with such work is not at all easy, since the roof usually has a significant slope and it is not so easy to stay on it. Removing snow while standing on the ground is also quite difficult or even impossible due to the high ridge of the roof and the strong adhesion of the snow cover to the roofing material.

How to clear snow from a high roof with a rope

If you somehow manage to cut the boundary between the base of the snow cover and the roof covering, then you can weaken the mutual adhesion between them. It is possible that such an operation will be quite sufficient, and the snow mass will simply slide off the roof under its own weight. The likelihood of such an outcome is especially high in the case of a large roof slope.

But even if this desired effect does not happen, the adhesion rate between the snow mass and the roof, trimmed with a rope, will weaken so much that the snow can be easily removed with a plastic rake on a long handle in whole blocks, standing firmly on the ground.

It is most convenient to trim snow on the roof using a strong synthetic rope, the length of which should be significantly greater than the total length of the roof slopes in the transverse direction and twice the distance from the lower edge of the roof to the ground surface.

It is necessary to tie a load to one end of the rope (a massive gear, a plastic bottle with frozen water, etc.) and, standing at one end of the roof, throw the load with the rope tied to it over the roof ridge. After these preliminary preparatory manipulations, we proceed to trimming the base of the snow cover that has accumulated on the roof after a recent heavy snowfall.

It is simpler, easier and faster to perform this operation together, alternately moving your end of the rope down, and gradually moving from one edge of the roof to the other. Of course, you can do this work alone. But to do this, you will have to run from one end of the rope to the other each time in order to pull them towards you. It is clear that the process of cutting snow will slow down, will last much longer and will require a lot of work.

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