3 ways to eliminate unpleasant odor in an outdoor toilet

The street toilet in the dacha plots of most Russians is still a primitive structure in the form of a small building with a cesspool under the floor. But it’s almost impossible to rake out, that is, pump out the contents that gradually accumulate there, for several reasons. Firstly, due to the small volume of the tank, this is not economically feasible, secondly, the vacuum cleaner rarely goes to the dachas, and thirdly, the very location of the toilet stall on the site does not imply the access of a car. Therefore, all that remains is to fight the unpleasant odor with improvised means.

How to eliminate an unpleasant odor in an outdoor toilet?

1. Use a ready-made bioactivator for country toilets containing soil microorganisms. Bacteria decompose organic matter in feces and thereby eliminate unpleasant odors. Among the advantages of biological preparations is their harmlessness to nature and humans, as well as the ability to reduce the amount of waste during the life of microorganisms.

2.After each visit to the toilet, use the ash left in a special barrel after burning shoots and grass or in the grill after cooking kebabs. To do this, a scoop of ash is poured over a new portion of feces, thereby eliminating the unpleasant odor and covering the unsightly “spectacle” in the pit. The advantages of ash include safety for wildlife and the absence of costs for the purchase of special products.

3. Use an antibacterial “cocktail” of your own production. It is prepared on the basis of ferrous sulfate (another name is ferrous sulfate), soda and plain water. Inexpensive (a pack of iron sulfate can be purchased for about 100 rubles in any online store) and effective remedy, which, however, requires caution in use.

Means for country toilet based on iron sulfate

To burn out bacteria, which enhance the smell in the country toilet with their vital activity, use a 3-4% solution of iron sulfate (150-200 g of powder per 5 liters of water). The addition of regular soda enhances the antibacterial effect by creating an alkaline environment.

Important! Manufacturers of iron sulfate warn about the need to use only glass or polyethylene containers to prepare the solution. Metal buckets and pans are not suitable for this purpose.


  • packaging of iron sulfate (150 g or 200 g);
  • baking soda - 100 g;
  • ordinary water - 4.5 l;
  • 5 liter polyethylene bottle or canister;
  • a bottle of water or kvass for making a funnel.

Preparation and use:

1. Pour approximately 2 liters of warm water into a five-liter bottle. Make a funnel from a half-liter bottle for the convenience of pouring iron sulfate from the factory packaging into a container for directing the solution.

Pour ferrous sulfate into the bottle.


2. Add 1/5 of a pack of baking soda to the bottle.


3. Fill the bottle with water so that the contents can be mixed well again.

Attention! Iron sulfate belongs to chemicals of hazard class 3, which means you need to work with it in seals. It is recommended to use safety glasses and a mask. Keep children and our curious pets away from the product.

Pour the finished product into the hole of the country toilet.

It begins to act immediately, achieving maximum effect a day after adding to the contents of the cesspool.

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