How to make ventilation in an outdoor toilet from PVC pipes and forget about unpleasant odors

As a result of the constant and non-stop decomposition of organic residues of human activity in the street toilet, unpleasant odors arise that cause various negative emotions in people every day, unwanted associations, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, etc.

It is possible to get rid of such a systematic stressful state only with the help of ventilation (natural or artificial), working in exhaust mode, by releasing the accumulated odors that accumulate above the cesspool outside the toilet into the atmosphere, where they dissipate without causing secondary inconvenience to people nearby.

Making ventilation for an outdoor toilet

To do this, it is preferable to cut out a round hole in the ceiling of the cesspool in one of the corners and insert the end of a plastic pipe with a diameter of approximately 10 cm into it. We seal the gap between the pipe and the ceiling with moisture-resistant glue, silicone mastic or other suitable material.Then, using two plastic elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, we take the exhaust pipe out of the toilet beyond its limits and lift it parallel to the outer wall.

The pipe should rise above the ridge of the toilet roof to a certain height. Moreover, it is advisable to install it on the south side and choose a matte black color. Then the pipe, intensively absorbing solar radiation, will noticeably heat up, increasing the draft in it, which will help increase the efficiency of the exhaust process.

This exhaust ventilation works like a stove. Air is sucked in through a hole in the ceiling, which, mixed with the smell above the cesspool, is sucked into the ventilation pipe and thrown out into the air atmosphere.

To combat pathogenic microbes and bacteria formed in the cesspool, from time to time it is necessary to pour or fill it with appropriate disinfectants, the choice of which in the relevant sector of the modern market is very representative and varied in properties and price.

If the pipe is brought out without the use of bends, that is, without bending, directly through the roof of the toilet, then the draft at the same height of the pipe will increase according to the simple laws of physics. You can also install an electric fan inside the pipe to improve ventilation efficiency. And to prevent rainwater from getting into the ventilation system in summer and snow in winter, it is necessary to install a hood over the pipe like a stove.

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