Different. Page 97

Master classes:

Necklace “Sea Mood”

When it’s cloudy and gray outside, and your heart is eager for summer, there’s no need to be sad, you can just wait a little longer, and in the meantime, prepare for the arrival of summer. Everyone prepares for the summer season differently: some lose weight, others buy

Original coloring of eggs for Easter with natural dyes

Nowadays, many products contain many artificial ingredients. Therefore, the problem of naturalness and environmental friendliness is very relevant. There are several ways to color Easter eggs without artificial ones.


As you know, all women have a weakness for flowers, decorating their hair or dress with them. Fresh flowers as decoration are elegant and stylish, but their beauty quickly fades. This is why fabric flowers, sometimes exact copies of real ones, are so popular.

Horizontal bar, parallel bars and press

In order to keep myself in shape, I made a special exercise machine, which includes parallel bars, a horizontal bar and the ability to pump up the press.For this we needed a profile pipe, foam rubber, plywood, leatherette and special grips for the handles.

Universal bench with racks

A universal bench with racks is a simulator for the main disciplines of strongman: bench press with a negative and positive inclination of the bench, French press, squats, including the Scott bench press for biceps. In order to make this simulator it was

Easter eggs made from... plasticine

Traditionally, on the eve of Easter Sunday, eggs are decorated. A variety of methods are used for this. An Easter egg can not only be painted, but also sewn, knitted or cut out of paper. You can also make it out of plasticine together with your children. For

Bouquet of tulips

We always associate tulips with holidays and early spring. This wonderful, delicate flower is very often given to women on March 8, which has long been considered a tradition in our country. Do you know how your mother or grandmother will be pleasantly surprised

Eco-friendly bird feeder

A bird feeder that you and your child made with your own hands will bring great pleasure. This is both a good tradition, teaching a child to take care of our little brothers, and a wonderful creative activity. Milk cartons, plastic

Panel "White Flowers"

This craft is created quickly from simple materials in an accessible way. The most difficult thing is the flowers. But you don’t need any special skills to make them. For the product you need: - wrapping paper or wallpaper painted to match wood size

Openwork bracelet

As you know, when you first meet a person, they are judged by his appearance, clothes and how skillful and inimitable his style is. Both the guy and the girl must show their best side. Moreover, girls may be dressed modestly, but

Drawing technique "Scratch"

“Scratching” is an unusual drawing technique. Not even drawing, but scratching elements of the drawing. As a rule, “drawing” is done in black and white, but you can also experiment with the color of the picture or background! To make a drawing using the technique

Candy bowl made from newspaper tubes

Greetings to all craftsmen and craftswomen! Just recently, I had no idea that truly amazing things could come out of the most ordinary newspapers and magazines. A huge advantage of this material is its availability and low cost.

Sachet with lemon balm for a baby's crib

A sachet is a small bag filled with a fragrance to give things a pleasant smell or create a certain atmosphere. Now it is also an interesting decorative item that will take a modest place on the handle of a chest of drawers or a bookcase.

greeting card

A holiday card is a small, original letter in the form of a congratulation that can instantly dispel your boredom and make you smile from ear to ear. Be it poetry or prose, but the main task of the postcard is that this wish be

Holiday pendant

What ideas come to the minds of creative individuals when creating decorations for interior decoration for any holiday or when making gifts for loved ones with their own hands. We suggest making one interesting and not very complicated

Making a postcard for February 23

The proposed card can be made by children of primary school age during labor lessons, and with the help of adults, even children of 6-7 years old attending kindergarten can make such a gift. It will be nice to receive such an original craft for Defender's Day

Valentine's card

As you know, on Valentine's Day, which is known as the day of all lovers, it is customary to give heart-shaped valentines to your loved ones (and just dear people). They can be sewn from fabric, knitted from yarn or thread, made using

Unusual portrait.

To make this fun craft you need very little time and a little imagination. This homemade product will be interesting to do with children. We just pick up some paper and glue and start creating.

Gazebo with stationary brick grill

The construction of an outdoor gazebo begins with the choice of location and construction materials. The best way is to build from various materials. The frame is welded from a corner and a metal profile. Exterior finishing is made from siding type

Bird feeders

Often, looking at birds flying in search of food, every child, and even an adult, thinks about how to feed the hungry birds.Some build large wooden feeders for them, others make do with small devices made of

Christmas tree toy made from a regular light bulb

Everyone loves New Year. Everyone tries to decorate their home with garlands, tinsel, and of course, toys. Our toys will be unique, as they are completely handmade. To implement this idea we need: matting liquid for glass

Shining ball made of colored paper

Decorations for a festive evening are not always available. Today there are many original and simple ways to make decorative elements yourself. We propose to create a shining magic ball from colored paper. Us

New Year's snake

At one point, humanity became aware that amazing creations could be made from some seemingly unusable things. Quite often you can find original products made from plastic bottles, disposable tableware, newspapers or

Candlestick ideas

Those who like to make beautiful things with their own hands may find these ideas useful. The first option can be used even in art classes with children of almost any age. The second is more labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. Shall we get started?