Increasing the communication range of a Wi-Fi router

It all started when my router burned out. I used to have an ASUS router standing in the shadow, it worked quite well, the range was enough - you can catch it anywhere in the house and even outside. But then he passed away from his old age and worked for about 7 years.

I bought a new router with a built-in DSL modem. A very convenient thing, no problems connecting to each other, I just used to have a DSL modem connected to a Wi-Fi router and setting them up together was very painful for me.

wi fi router

How I increased the communication range of a Wi-Fi router

I bought this 2-in-1 thing, and I was happy. But as it turned out, it was in vain - the range of action is so small that in the next room, in the far half, you can’t catch at all. I decided to exchange their antennas, the old one has a longer antenna, and it also has a rotation. Plus, it is removable and you can connect any other remote antenna to the socket.

back view of the router

The new router's antenna is not removable, but the old one's was removable - it was screwed into the socket. I decided to make a nest for the new router as well, taking out the nest from the burnt-out router.

I disassembled the router.

disassembling the router
antenna connection

I unsoldered the antenna, now it will serve as a dummy, I did not tear it off.

unsolder the wiring

Here is a connector socket from an old router.

antenna connection connector

I drilled a hole with scissors in the opposite side.

drill a hole

I inserted the connector and soldered the wires. Soldering such thin wires is a terrible pain, I didn’t succeed right away. Be sure to call a tester if you decide to repeat this. Reassembled everything in reverse order.

connect an external antenna
the router is ready

Now about the results. I won’t say that it’s direct, I began to catch it everywhere, but the signal has become more confident, it catches almost everywhere, there are, of course, “black holes”, but noticeably less often. If you want the result in numbers, then the signal is 15-20% better than the percentage. But now it is possible to connect any other antenna.

come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (8)
  1. feelloff
    #1 feelloff Guests 1 December 2013 15:09
    I'll have to try it, it doesn't catch well either...
  2. Denchik
    #2 Denchik Guests December 1, 2013 16:02
    In my opinion it won't be worth it... :fellow:
  3. Vladimir
    #3 Vladimir Guests 2 December 2013 17:32
    I made it simpler, wrapped the antenna with wire and hooked it to the curtain, I live on the 2nd floor, so now it catches 50 meters from the house.
    1. which wire and how
      #4 which wire and how Guests March 27, 2018 16:00
      and what actually catches further and better
  4. Ananimus
    #5 Ananimus Guests 19 November 2014 23:16
    Changing the antenna does not increase the signal much.It is best to order a cheap amplifier (booster) from China. It will really give a good increase in transmitter power.
  5. Azate
    #6 Azate Guests December 24, 2014 00:44
    Why not?
  6. Alexei
    #7 Alexei Guests 21 November 2015 16:44
    I did the same on the Asus RT-G32 router, screwing an antenna from TP-Link 741 to it and in the kitchen through 2 reinforced concrete walls there was a stable signal of at least 80%, without the cost of shipping Chinese crap at the price of a good product.
  7. Guest Igor
    #8 Guest Igor Guests July 22, 2018 12:17
    Isn’t it easier to just buy a NORMAL router and not spoil the goose’s brains? Yes, it will be twice as expensive (this is if ADSL), but the signal is caught 50 meters from the house.