Candle "Angels"

Nowadays, many people are interested in creating beautiful things with their own hands. If you need to cook quickly present for a loved one - make a candle using the technique decoupage, decorate it with small decorations and an exclusive gift is ready.

To create such a gift we will need:
- white or beige candle;
- a regular paper napkin for serving (with a beautiful pattern);
- wooden or metal beads (in our case, we used a disassembled old wooden decoration);
- soft terry towel;
- metal spoon;
- scissors;
- fire.


Cut out the desired design from a napkin.

Cut out a design from a napkin

Peel off the white layers. Napkins come in two and three layers.

separate the layer

Make sure that there are no white layers left - the pattern should be visible. Heat a spoon over the fire.

heat the spoon

Heat only the inside of the spoon; the work surface (outer part of the spoon) should not come into contact with the fire. Please note that a black film of soot may form at the heating site, and if you mix up the surface, it will be almost impossible to wipe off the soot from the product. Place the drawing on the desired location and start moving the spoon up and down, “sinking” the napkin into the candle.

decoupage candles

decoupage candles

decoupage candles

The wax will begin to melt and protrude above the paper. The napkin must be sunk as deep as possible so that it is completely saturated with wax, otherwise it may burst into flames when burning. In addition, the deeper the napkin is under the wax layer, the more beautiful the candle will look. If you work in complete silence, you will hear the sound of a spoon rustling on a napkin. But when the paper is completely covered with wax, the sound will disappear.
Start working from the middle of the drawing, gradually moving towards the edges. If you work in silence, you will hear the sound of a spoon rustling on a napkin. But when the paper is completely covered with wax, the sound will disappear.

decoupage candles

decoupage candles

Repeat the procedure with another design on the back of the napkin.
There will be wax stains on the candle, so it will be necessary to polish the candle.
After working with a hot spoon, wait 5 to 10 minutes for the wax to harden slightly. Take a terry towel and polish the candle using top-to-bottom movements and light pressure. If the wax hardens too clean and does not polish, warm up the candle with warm air from a hair dryer.
The surface of the candle should become very smooth and the streaks should disappear.

decoupage candles

decoupage candles

Take the beads and use tweezers or scissors to heat one side over the fire.
Quickly place the heated part on the surface and press firmly, embedding the bead into the wax.
Make the required pattern and repeat on the reverse side.
It will take from 20 to 60 minutes to create such beauty. Tip: Do not wash your used terry towel in the washing machine. Wax will remain on the fibers, and after washing it can clog the holes and ruin the machine. Only hand wash possible.

decoupage candles

decoupage candles

A beautiful and original gift is ready!
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