Spray paint from deodorant
Good day everyone, in this short article I will tell you how to make a can of spray paint with your own hands.
For this we need:
- Absolutely any deodorant can, the main thing is that it is empty, will work perfectly without a seam, it holds a lot of pressure better.
- Paint, I used fountain pen ink.
- A syringe with a broken needle, which is used to fill the cylinder.
- Nipple from a bicycle tube.
- A pump or compressor to create pressure in the cylinder.
First of all, we fill the container with paint, to do this, remove the spray cap from the container, fill the syringe with paint, insert it into the valve of the container, press the valve all the way and begin to fill in as much as we need, for normal operation of the can, half the volume is enough.
After we have filled it with paint, we need to create pressure. To do this, we put the bicycle nipple on the cylinder valve, also clamp it all the way and begin to pump air using a pump, no more than 3-5 atmospheres.
Then we remove the nipple, put on the spray cap, shake the bottle a little and try to draw.
If you have any questions, watch the video of the process of making and using a can of spray paint.
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