Roundhorn lamb

November is coming, followed by December 2014, which means that people are little by little turning to the theme of the New Year and making plans for its celebration. Every year we spend a lot of money on present and souvenirs for acquaintances, colleagues, friends. But is it necessary to buy souvenirs when you can make them yourself? Crafts have the ability to transmit the energy of the giver, which, you see, is very pleasant. 2015 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the blue wooden goat, or ram. We suggest you make lamb from salt dough.

There are many recipes for salt dough, probably as many as there are craftswomen involved in this type of creativity. The simplest and most basic recipe we will follow is this:
• One and a half glasses of flour;
• Half a glass of dry starch (pre-mix with flour);
• A glass of salt;
• Partial glass of water, approximately 180 ml.

for the manufacture of

add flour

starch salt

Of course, depending on the grinding of the salt, the consistency may change; you can add flour, water or salt by eye. The dough should be quite stiff and not stick to your hands. Pre-dissolve the salt as much as possible in hot water.

starch salt


we bake the dough

When working with the dough, you need to do everything quickly so that it does not have time to weather and become crusty. If the dough is too dry or has cracks, you can smooth it out with a little water using your hands or a wooden stick.
Next, the dough must be placed in a bag and placed in the freezer for 5-10 minutes.

we bake the dough

we bake the dough

we bake the dough

we bake the dough

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees to warm it up.

preheat the oven

So, we kneaded the dough. Let's clear the workplace of unnecessary items and start sculpting.

we bake the dough

Next, you need to select the toy that you want to sculpt. I sculpted a steep-horned lamb based on a Dymkovo toy. Like this:

we bake the dough

Let's start sculpting. We separated some of the dough into cones and covered those pieces with a plastic bag to keep the dough from drying out until we needed it.

we bake the dough

we bake the dough

Since our lamb does not have hind legs, but only a tail like a whistle, we made a kind of droplet out of the dough. The sharp tip of the droplet is the tail; from the blunt tip we form the front legs and the head.

let's sculpt a lamb

We form horns from the remaining dough and attach them in two places: at the bottom and on the head. If you wish, you can sculpt a small beard for the figure, and immediately make indentations where the eyes will be.

let's sculpt a lamb

let's sculpt a lamb

let's sculpt a lamb

I made a depression at the bottom of the lamb, but it smoothed out during the roasting process.

let's sculpt a lamb

Next, we fry the figurine in the oven.

let's sculpt a lamb

The figurine is cooling down.

let's sculpt a lamb

Let's start coloring. First, we give the lamb a white background using watercolors or gouache. It is important to wait until one side is completely dry before starting to paint the other.

let's sculpt a lamb

let's sculpt a lamb

Then we gradually paint the toys according to the sample, or show our imagination. It is important to paint the light parts first, and then the dark ones, so as not to smear them in the process.To paint areas located close to each other, you need to wait until it dries completely.

let's sculpt a lamb

Round-horned lamb symbol of the year

After finishing the work, you can coat the figure with any furniture varnish. The colors will sparkle even brighter.

Round-horned lamb symbol of the year

Round-horned lamb symbol of the year

Round-horned lamb symbol of the year

Round-horned lamb symbol of the year

Round-horned lamb symbol of the year

This gift will appeal not only to children, but also to adults on the bright New Year holiday!
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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