Lemon kvass

kvass at home

Today I will present you a recipe for an excellent tasty and refreshing drink - lemon kvass.

We will need:

1) 800 grams of black (rye) bread
2) 7 liters of water
3) one and a half to two sakana of raisins
4) 2 cups sugar
5) A teaspoon of citric acid
For sourdough:
6) 5 grams of fresh yeast
7) Half a glass of warm water
8) 2 tablespoons flour

Preparing lemon kvass

1) First of all, we’ll make the starter; to do this, stir the yeast in warm water and add flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
2) Now cut the bread into small pieces and dry it in the oven
3) Take out the bread, pour boiling water over it, cool it to about room temperature, and add the previously prepared sourdough here. Now we leave it all overnight.
4) Now the future kvass needs to be strained, add raisins, citric acid, and naturally sugar. Mix very well (I personally shake the jar) and leave overnight.
5) Strain the resulting mixture again and put it in the cold for another day.

That's it, fresh and cool kvass is ready, drink for your health!

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Comments (1)
  1. V.A.L.E.K.
    #1 V.A.L.E.K. Guests December 13, 2012 16:42
    thank you so easy to make and delicious and homemade healthy