Quick and tasty chicory kvass

Everyone knows that kvass has always been considered a traditional drink in Rus'. Times change, but the foundations remain the same. Just like many years ago, tasty, spicy kvass is valued for its unusual taste and invigorating power.

There are several options for making kvass, one of which is the method described below. Delicious kvass can be made from ordinary chicory. The result will exceed all expectations. The main advantage for the cook is that you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing the sourdough, as is the case with bread kvass. In addition, chicory kvass has a good effect on the heart and cleanses the intestines well. A chilled drink will give a great boost of energy to the body and improve human performance! This kvass is worth trying!


Required for 5 liters of water:

  • - 250 grams of beet sugar.
  • - 20 grams of citric acid.
  • - 10 grams of peppermint tincture.
  • - 2 tablespoons of instant chicory.
  • - 11 grams of instant yeast.
  • - a sprig of fresh mint.

Sequence of preparation of chicory kvass

1. Prepare a pan. Pour water into it. The liquid must be clean.Temperature does not matter, the main thing is not to use boiling water.

2. Pour sugar and citric acid into the pan. After this, pour in the peppermint tincture. It will add piquancy to the taste of the future drink.

3. Immediately add chicory. Stir all ingredients with a spoon. Place the pan on the stove. The fire can be made high, it is important that the liquid is brought to a boil. As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat.

4. Cool the drink to a temperature of 35 degrees. Add yeast. Mix everything well. The yeast must be completely dissolved in the drink. Pour the kvass into prepared bottles. The container must be sterile.

5. In order for the kvass to be carbonated, you need to add 2-3 fresh mint leaves to each bottle. If there is no mint, then raisins will do. After cooking, immediately send the kvass to a cool place. Drink the drink chilled.

Bon appetit!

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Comments (4)
  1. Guest Ruslan
    #1 Guest Ruslan Guests 11 July 2018 12:26
    This will not be kvass, but a bad taste. Nothing has even fermented, but it’s already like drinking. Nonsense.
    1. Guest Vadim
      #2 Guest Vadim Guests 12 July 2018 10:29
      A very tasty drink. Of course, you can’t call it real kvass, but the taste is not much different from what is sold in barrels, and is much tastier than any store-bought one. I've been doing this for several years......
  2. Victor
    #3 Victor Guests 14 July 2018 23:14
    They forgot to write how long you need to infuse before using it. And what happens is you add yeast and drink?
  3. pyrrhonist
    #4 pyrrhonist Guests July 25, 2018 08:37
    You can call it whatever you want, but it is not Kvass, this is clear even from the name of the drink