Building a house from aerated blocks with your own hands

Construction of a house from aerated blocks

Aerated blocks first appeared at the beginning of the last century, but gained popularity only at the beginning of the 21st century. This is an environmentally friendly material, perfect for the construction of low-rise residential buildings.
Why were gas blocks called that? The fact is that they are filled with a large number of air bubbles. These blocks have excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation. These are their main positive properties, but that’s not all. Another important advantage of aerated blocks is their low weight, and this in turn allows you to save on foundation construction. And thanks to the uniform structure of the blocks, they can be sawed off as you need and they will not lose their qualities.
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

Advantages and disadvantages:
Ecological properties.
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

Aerated concrete blocks are an environmentally friendly and healthy material. The components used in their production are Concrete, aluminum powder, lime, water and some other additives. Aluminum reacts with lime and a large amount of hydrogen is formed, which fills the pores, this is the main secret of all the advantages of aerated concrete.Therefore, even in the hottest summer, you will not have any harmful substances in your house.
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

There are several types of aerated concrete, with a density from 300 kg/m3 to 1200 kg/m3; the heavier the blocks, the more durable they are, but they hold heat less well. Accordingly, the lighter it is, the warmer and quieter it will be in your home. If you are building a house with two or more floors, then you need a more durable type of aerated concrete, but for a one-story house, lightweight aerated concrete with a density of 300 kg/m3 is ideal.
Heat and sound insulation
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

Thanks to their porosity, aerated concrete blocks perfectly retain heat in the house and isolate you from unnecessary sounds, and the pores allow the house to “breathe,” so it will be as comfortable in such a house as in a house made of wood.
Architectural benefits
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

Aerated concrete blocks do not crumble when cut, so you can build any architectural solutions from them and build the way you would like.
Fire safety
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

With other characteristics comparable to wood, gas blocks have a huge advantage over it, this is fire safety. Moreover, at high temperatures, aerated concrete blocks only become stronger.
Construction of a house from aerated blocks

Instability to moisture.
The only significant disadvantage of this material is its instability to moisture. Therefore, some effort will be required to prevent the gas blocks from getting wet.
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Comments (1)
  1. Guest
    #1 Guest Guests November 28, 2019 11:24
    The downside would be that you can’t stuff anything into them. It was necessary to hang bars on the windows; we had to drill through them to secure them. But my friend couldn’t hang the cornice; the dowels didn’t hold. This material is more suitable for internal partitions than for load-bearing walls.