DIY plasma ball
As our plasma ball there will be an ordinary incandescent lamp, but the high-voltage high-frequency source is quite simple. In addition, from our source you can build not only a plasma ball, but also demonstrate beautiful experiments with high voltage: arc and corona discharges, Jacob's ladder, a fluorescent lamp that lights up in your hand, etc.
Electric current is not a toy! Before starting work, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the safety precautions in the article about Jacob's ladder.
High frequency high voltage source
Demonstration of beautiful experiments with high voltage: arc and corona discharges, Jacob's ladder, fluorescent lamp that lights up in the hand, etc.
Short description
The main element is TVS (Output Line Transformer). Thanks to the original self-oscillator circuit, it was possible to obtain a voltage of about 90 kV, high power, reliability and efficiency. The generator circuit on the line - blocking oscillator - is given below:
This circuit uses a converted transformer from a TVS-110L6 or TVS-110LA tube TV.The primary winding is removed and replaced with a homemade one, with a small number of turns. Rectifier unit 12 volts and current up to 5 amperes. The turns of the fuel assembly are somewhere around 1-2 = 5 turns, 3-4 = 25 turns of wire with a diameter of 1 mm. In general, everything is selected experimentally.
A more powerful transistor like KT 927 or any other with good gain and power.
The assembled diagram might look like this:
Or like this:
Based on this converter, you can conduct your first experiments in the field of high voltage. These include small Jacob's ladders, an ion engine, ozone production, electric ignition, ignition of an arc that can easily burn through glass, and much more.
Our task is to build a plasma ball. To do this, we take an incandescent lamp and connect the transformer output to it.
A discharge in an incandescent lamp, the first electrode is a finger, the second is a spiral inside. Inside the flask is not a vacuum, but argon gas, under low pressure:
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