Toy parrot and owlet

Hello, dear readers. From old things and clothes that are a pity to throw away, you can make a good toy for a child or decoration for the home. From fur fabric from old boots and felt we made two Stuffed Toys, - a parrot and an owlet, for the manufacture of which we used black and white threads, a sewing needle, scissors, paper and pencil for making samples, as well as nail polish, cotton wool, black and brown leather fabric, light brown fur fabric and blue (from old boots), white fabric for making eyes, tape and needles for pinning.
The manufacturing process took us a week. We got these two toys:

Toy parrot and owlet

Toy parrot and owlet

When starting work, we first make paper samples of them:

Toy parrot and owlet

We decided to start sewing by making a toy parrot. Having taken a sample and trimmed off its excess elements (wings, “fluff” on the neck, paws and feathers on the head), we take the felt fabric and fold it in two. Then we pin the paper sample to this fabric and cut out the shape with an allowance of approximately 1 cm:

Toy parrot and owlet

Next, we take white threads and make seams along the edges of the figure, leaving areas of allowance approximately 0.5 cm wide in order to increase the size of our craft. We leave a free area at the bottom in order to turn it inside out:

Toy parrot and owlet

Now we turn the resulting blank inside out and fill it with cotton wool:

Toy parrot and owlet

After the figure is filled with cotton wool, the unsewn lower section of the material must be treated with a seam:

Toy parrot and owlet

Now we take a fabric with light brown fur and cut a long narrow strip from it:

Toy parrot and owlet

We need to wrap this strip of fabric in a circle around the neck section of the future toy, and then, cutting off the excess part of the strip, sew the fur fabric at the ends from the back:

Toy parrot and owlet

Next, we make the eyes by making blanks for them from paper. From white and black fabrics, folding them in two, we cut out samples and lay them out one next to the other, after which we sew them together:

Toy parrot and owlet

The resulting eyes need to be sewn to the figure. From brown leather fabric we cut out two parts of the beak:

Toy parrot and owlet

We need to glue these two parts and sew them to the craft. But besides them, we must cut out in pairs more details of the paws, tail and two parts of the wings:

Toy parrot and owlet

We sew the resulting parts of the wings and tail along the edges, leaving small holes in order to turn them out from the wrong side:

Toy parrot and owlet

Once the wing and tail pieces are sewn together and turned right side out, the wing pieces can be filled with cotton wool. The tail does not need to be filled with cotton, but the paws, cut from leather fabric, can be glued together in pairs (if desired):

Toy parrot and owlet

Next, the unsewn areas in the parts of the wings and tail need to be treated with seams:

Toy parrot and owlet

After this, we need to sew the finished parts of the paws, wings and tail to the craft:

Toy parrot and owlet

After this, our toy will be almost ready. This is what she looks like from behind:

Toy parrot and owlet

Next, we need to take plain white paper and paint it with orange or golden varnish on both sides, and then cut out six feather-shaped shapes of different lengths from it:

Toy parrot and owlet

After this, we must make many cuts along the edges of each of the figures, folding these figures in half:

Toy parrot and owlet

In order for the finished feather figures to be stronger, it is advisable to cover them on the outside with transparent tape.
When all the feathers are ready, they will need to be sewn to the craft:

Toy parrot and owlet

After that, that's it, our first toy is ready:

Toy parrot and owlet

Toy parrot and owlet

Next, we take on making a toy owlet. We first cut out a sample for him from paper:

Toy parrot and owlet

Then we, dividing this sample into three parts (torso, neck and head), cut out three more samples (wings, paws and tail) from another sheet of paper, and then cut out the parts in pairs from the fabric according to these samples:

Toy parrot and owlet

Now we sew the edges of each of the shapes, leaving small areas of allowance. We start sewing from the head crafts:

Toy parrot and owlet

We sew the head, neck, wings, paws and tail without any problems, but last of all we take up sewing the body, because we need to sew ready-made legs to it. We first pin them on the bottom.

Toy parrot and owlet

When sewing, you need to change the position of the paws near the body from top to bottom, point them with their front sides inward and then sew:

Toy parrot and owlet

Next, we need to turn the sewn parts of the wings, head and neck with the body and tail inside out and remove excess fur from the front side of the head of the future toy for convenience when sewing on the eyes:

Toy parrot and owlet

We sew the wings to the body, and then fill it with cotton wool:

Toy parrot and owlet

Before filling the head of the future toy with cotton, we must sew on it a beak and eyes, sewn from white, black and brown fabrics:

Toy parrot and owlet

Toy parrot and owlet

After the head and body are filled with cotton wool, they will need to be sewn together. We sewed the wings and tail without filling them with cotton:

Toy parrot and owlet

Now our second craft, the owlet, is ready. This is what she looks like from the back:

Toy parrot and owlet

This is what it looks like from the side:

Toy parrot and owlet

This is how it looks from the front:

Toy parrot and owlet

Now both of our toys are ready and they can be placed, for example, near the mirror as decoration:

Toy parrot and owlet

Sincerely, Vorobyova Dinara.
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