How to knit an e-book case

You can buy a ready-made case, but, firstly, this pleasure is not cheap, and secondly, books still fail over time, and new models may have different sizes. But a cover is necessary, because the book must be protected from dust, dirt, pressure or shock. Knitting a cover is not difficult, the yarn costs are low. Let's look at the knitting technique for one of the possible options for a cover for an e-book. Knitting technology
The main elements of the case are the book pocket and the cover.
How to knit an e-book case

For knitting, the height and width of the book are required. General tips:
  • It is better to choose yarn that is thick enough,
  • the pattern should be tight and not stretch,
  • It’s better to use yarn of the same color so as not to mess with the tails of colored threads,
  • you immediately need to decide on the method of closing the case (zipper, buttons, Velcro, etc.),
  • Do not use convex hard additions so that there is no pressure on the screen. If you want to somehow decorate a book, for example, for a child, then you can make a bright applique on the cover.

Description of knitting pattern for the cover

Pattern repeat 4 rows. The number of loops is odd.We knit the edges as usual. 1 r/ We knit all the loops with knit stitches. 2 r/ We also knit with knit stitches behind the front wall.
How to knit an e-book case

How to knit an e-book case

3 r/ We go in rapport *from each pair of loops we knit the first one behind the front wall, we remove the second from the left knitting needle (thread before work)*, at the end of the row there is one knit stitch, 4 r/ We knit in repeat *we knit the first purl with a purl, we remove the second (thread at work).
How to knit an e-book case

How to knit an e-book case

5 r/ Repeat from the first row.
How to knit an e-book case

How to knit an e-book case

Cover knitting technique

The inside of the case should look like this.
How to knit an e-book case

How to knit an e-book case

Sequence of work:
  • we select the number of loops according to the height of the book with a small allowance,
  • We knit two or three rows in garter stitch so that the edge of the pocket does not bend,
  • We knit a fabric with a length equal to the width of the book using stockinette stitch. For the border, we make the outermost loops in front of the edge stitches in garter stitch,
    How to knit an e-book case

  • we continue to knit the fabric with a pattern equal to twice the width of the book,
    How to knit an e-book case

  • To determine the length of the cover, bend the pocket, put a book in it, and firmly stitch the top and bottom of the pocket with a needle and thread. We sew just below the edge loops of the cover (f10). The book should fit tightly into your pocket,
  • we finish knitting the cover with 2-3 rows of garter stitch for easy design of the fastener,
  • a gasket to protect the book from pressure or impact is sewn or glued to the inside of the cover. You can use synthetic padding polyester, thin foam rubber or even short-pile fur.
    How to knit an e-book case

    You can knit another pocket on the left and put thick cardboard or other padding in it.


There are many options: it can be Velcro, buttons (not very convex), straps with a buckle, zippers.
How to knit an e-book case

How to knit an e-book case

The case is ready.

You can knit a case for a tablet using the same method.
How to knit an e-book case

How to knit an e-book case
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Comments (1)
  1. llove
    #1 llove Guests 8 August 2017 19:42
    It turned out to be an intricate little thing, and very cute. Although I still prefer purchased cases for gadgets - they are still more practical. But for crochet hooks I have something like this man-made “house”.