Wi-Fi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle
Hi all! I want to tell you another way to easily increase the communication distance with your Wi-Fi router. The idea is very simple: we will make a reflector or reflector from a plastic bottle and foil. Next, add it to the existing antenna and get a directional one instead of an omnidirectional antenna. As a result, the distance in one direction will increase.
For example: in your home the signal is excellent anywhere, but if you go out into the yard, it is very weak. By making this simple device and pointing it at the right place, you can significantly increase the distance to the object. And stable Wi-Fi may appear in your yard, vegetable garden or garden.

Cleaning a plastic bottle

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

Take a 2-liter plastic bottle and remove the label from it. Wash off any remaining glue if necessary.

Draw borders and cut out

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

Take a marker and draw it as in the photo. And then cut it out with regular paper scissors. You should end up with this kind of scoop.

Glue aluminum foil

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

In order for the reflector to reflect the signal and concentrate it in one direction, we need to cover the wall of the reflector with aluminum foil. This can be done with glue for plastic or some other glue, but not paper, of course. It is advisable to flatten the foil without any folds.
Next, we make a hole in the lid with the same scissors or a hot soldering iron. And we attach it to the antenna of the Wi-Fi router.
WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

The result of the signal reflector

WiFi amplifier made from a plastic bottle

The result of using a reflector

In the place where I use Wi-Fi, I have a very weak signal, only 30 percent. When using such a reflector, the level increased to 76 percent! It's almost a miracle it seems to me.
This simple craft can solve your problems without purchasing additional equipment to enhance communication.
Make friends your screen and write in the comments about your results. Bye.
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Comments (6)
  1. Valery Ratnikov
    #1 Valery Ratnikov Guests 12 February 2018 20:01
    Why a Wi-Fi amplifier? I want to get the meaning.
    1. Alla Ignatenko
      #2 Alla Ignatenko Guests 12 February 2018 21:54
      You have a router in the house, and a mafon somewhere in the yard and a weak signal.and with this little thing the problem is solved. personally verified.
      1. WIFI
        #3 WIFI Guests 5 March 2018 16:06
        Isn’t it easier to buy a repeater or a second router, but the price would be 1000 rubles and the coverage would be greater... you set up the second router with the first one and put it on the balcony... there will be a connection up to 100 meters away.
  2. Vasya
    #4 Vasya Guests 13 February 2018 10:55
    Easier to make from a beer can
  3. Semayil
    #5 Semayil Guests 8 July 2018 13:04
    The question is this: in theory, the distance from the antenna to the reflector should be clearly defined. It's like looking through a magnifying glass - you need to determine the focal length, so - in theory I'm good, but there is no accuracy (or it could be better) I saw a Wi-Fi amplifier from a large tin can and not radial, but directional (somewhere in a magazine " Hacker") There the guys established communications up to 5 km! So...
    1. Valery Ratnikov
      #6 Valery Ratnikov Guests January 14, 2019 11:46
      and it depends on the wavelength, it just has to be a multiple.