Microwave oven

A large number of people use a microwave oven almost every day; in common parlance, a microwave oven. But few people know what’s inside this useful thing and how it works. In this article I will talk about what a regular microwave is made of and how it works.
And here is our experimental subject who came to me for repairs

A simple oven without unnecessary functions, it is with this example that it is easy to understand how this oven works.
Opening the case

On the left side there is nothing, nothing, everything is assembled on the right, obviously, many were expecting to see a very complex engineering miracle with a bunch of wires there, but no, everything is very neat and simple.
Let's start with the simplest thing, this is the board that is responsible for good and stable power supply to the device.
And a fairly large fan to cool all systems.


And this board is the only one made in Russia, we have something to be proud of.
Now let's move on to management. There is not much of it, just a mechanical timer, a power regulator and a switching relay.


There is also reliable protection, these are three buttons that record whether the door is closed or not (they are not visible in the photo)
Well now let's move on to something more interesting. A high-voltage transformer (the same Mot), a high-voltage diode and a capacitor are hidden in the furnace body. These parts provide high DC voltage

The output voltage of the transformer is 2100 volts, the current is 450 mA, the capacitor capacity is 1 µF, the voltage is the same as on the transformer. That's when I discovered the problem. The fuse has blown, it is hidden in that white cylinder and is designed for 5000. V and 650 mA, it is not hard to guess that it could not have simply melted. After checking, it turned out that the diode was broken.
These are your two little ones, due to which the entire oven failed. After replacing them, everything started working again.
Now it's time to talk about the most important part of any microwave oven. And so welcome the magnetron.


So what is it and how does any microwave oven work?
A magnetron is a powerful electron tube that generates microwaves when a flow of electrons interacts with a magnetic field. Simply put, it generates an electromagnetic field of enormous frequency, which can reach up to 100 GHz. But in a simple home oven the frequency is only 2.45 GHz. High voltage is necessary for more efficient emission of electron flows. So this field causes the polar molecules of a substance to vibrate at enormous speed, thereby increasing the kinetic energy of the movement of the molecules because it is directly proportional to the temperature and we get hot sandwiches with melted cheese...))

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Comments (3)
  1. Yurik
    #1 Yurik Guests 9 September 2013 14:25
    Nicely written, with pictures. Even though I repaired these stoves hundreds of times, I still read with interest.
    1. Vasily Strelnikov
      #2 Vasily Strelnikov Guests March 16, 2018 08:17
      ... I agree.., I would also like to know how to check the I/O diode..?!? Worker or not...!
  2. Guest Vladimir
    #3 Guest Vladimir Guests December 3, 2018 11:15
    A neighbor at the dacha told us how to wisely use an outdated or broken microwave. In a casing closed on all sides (except for the working one), we lean the emitter against the wall of the house for 5 minutes (it’s better to try outside the house first and choose the exposure time, to avoid sin yourself). Eliminates woodworm beetles forever. By rearranging the area, you can inexpensively treat the entire house. There are techniques on the internet.