Treatment of dead pixels

Treatment of dead pixels

You bought a monitor, TV or laptop and one or more dead pixels appeared on the screen, then before the warranty expires, you can try contacting a service center to have your device repaired. If enough time has passed since the purchase, then I will tell you several simple ways to restore the pixels yourself.
Without getting into deep details, a pixel is a microdot that makes up an LCD matrix. A dead pixel is a point on the screen that has simply stopped shining (transmitting light).
Although the black microdot is practically invisible from the outside, when watching videos closely, it still attracts attention, which causes slight discomfort.
Treatment of dead pixels

Pixels are incredibly small and the higher the screen resolution of your device, the less noticeable they are. To search for them, you can use a special utility, such as Dead Pixel Tester or any other designed for your device.

Methods for treating dead pixels

There are not many ways to restore dead pixels. I would also like to immediately note that you use all actions absolutely at your own peril and risk.
  • Program.
  • Mechanical.
  • Alternative - combined.

Software method for pixel restoration

So, the software method is the safest and will require almost nothing from you.
Download a utility like JScreenFix, Bad Crystal or another. We launch the program on the computer. It opens in a separate window and generates high-frequency vibrations for pixels. We drag this window onto the area with dead pixels and leave it for 20 minutes.
Treatment of dead pixels

Those who have restored the monitor with this program say that the first 10 minutes are enough for the black dots to start working again.
If this does not help, we move on to more dangerous actions.

Mechanical method of pixel restoration

Turn off the monitor. Cover the area with the broken pixel with a damp cloth or towel. Next, take a sharp object such as a dull pencil and press it with a little force onto the pixel
Treatment of dead pixels

Hold the force for 2-3 seconds and release.
Treatment of dead pixels

In some cases it works perfectly.
Turn on the monitor and check.
If it doesn’t help, take a thicker object and press on the area with the broken pixel. Press down and turn on the monitor. Letting go of the effort. You can try different variations: turn on the monitor and press, turn off-press-on, etc. When the matrix starts, processes occur that can start the point to work.
Treatment of dead pixels

Alternative method - combined

If all of the above does not help, let’s use an alternative method that includes everything at once:
We hang up a wet napkin.
Treatment of dead pixels

We launch the pixel restoration program.
Treatment of dead pixels

And while it is working, we periodically apply pressure to the faulty area, first with the tip.
Treatment of dead pixels

Treatment of dead pixels

And then with a blunt end, affecting the entire area.
Treatment of dead pixels

Of course, no one can give a 100% guarantee that your monitor will be like new again, but it’s still worth a try.Especially considering the good recovery rate.
Personally, my monitor was completely restored and all the black dots disappeared.
Treatment of dead pixels

LCD is a liquid crystal matrix with liquid inside. All the manipulations given above are designed to influence this liquid inside each pixel and force it back into contact with the general control.
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (8)
  1. Guest Andrey
    #1 Guest Andrey Guests 15 August 2018 18:59
    What nonsense.
    None of the above methods will cure dead pixels.
    Do you have any idea what a pixel is in an LCD matrix and how to control them.
    Read at least on Wikipedia what and how.
    Don’t believe guys that a pixel can be cured, and even more so by pressing it is dangerous because you can damage the matrix.
  2. Guest Sergey
    #2 Guest Sergey Guests 15 August 2018 21:16
    What if a vertical stripe appears in the middle of the screen? Will these treatments help?
  3. Flatulence
    #3 Flatulence Guests 16 August 2018 12:03
    Read about restoring dead pixels through freezing.
  4. Vitaly
    #4 Vitaly Guests 20 August 2018 19:38
    The vertical stripe is not a pixel problem on the matrix. This is a problem in the connection of the cable and the matrix itself (one of the contacts has come off).Better take it to the SC. Self-repair by an inexperienced person can significantly aggravate this problem.
  5. pistolero
    #5 pistolero Guests 10 September 2018 14:46
    Yes of course )))
  6. zolk75
    #6 zolk75 Guests 1 February 2020 13:29
    only software!!!
    no impact, especially with a sharp object - you can damage the crystals at all!
    What are you doing?!
  7. Leon
    #7 Leon Guests 15 September 2021 23:24
    Thank you! Helped restore a few pixels on my laptop.
  8. old granny
    #8 old granny Guests March 6, 2022 12:11
    What if I have a dead pixel? Is it a cursor?