How to peel herring quickly and without bones

Cleaning herring is one of the most unpleasant procedures in the kitchen. There is a lot of fuss to remove the numerous bones from this fish, and it will also permeate the entire kitchen, cutting board and hands with a fishy smell. But there is a technology that will help you peel herring quickly and without bones.

Step-by-step action plan for cleaning herring

1. Prepare a place for cutting fish. You can use a newspaper in a retro style, but it is better to lay the herring on baking paper. To save money, an already used one will do. Protect your hands with disposable gloves if you don’t want them to smell like fish. It is most convenient to take a knife that is narrow and not very long. Let's start with the head. We cut it off along with the fins.

2. Cut the belly of the herring and clean it from the entrails. If there is caviar inside, it can be set aside separately. It is quite edible.

How to peel herring quickly and without bones

3. Use a knife to clean the films inside the herring. Cut off the lower fins.

4. Make a shallow cut along the ridge and remove the upper fin.

5. There are two options for further cleaning. The first is to first remove the skin from the herring and then free it from the bones. The second is to first separate the bones and then remove the skin. In our case, the second scenario was chosen.We firmly grasp the herring by the two halves of the tail and turn it over away from us, as if it were doing a somersault. A small crack appeared on the tail. We pull the herring by the two halves of the tail in different directions. Before our eyes, it turns into two halves: one is practically without seeds, on the second half there remains a ridge with rib bones.

6. Using your hands or a knife, separate the backbone and bones from the second half of the herring. We carefully examine it and remove the bones that remain.

7. Peel the herring, starting from where the head is cut.

8. Once again we clean the films with a knife and remove the small bones with our hands. The herring is ready. We wrap all waste in used paper and throw it away.

Sandwich with pieces of herring in five minutes

A sandwich with pieces of peeled herring for breakfast is an excellent, quick and tasty breakfast option.

Ingredients: black bread, soft cheese, cucumber, bunch of dill, pieces of herring.

1. Spread any high-quality soft processed cheese on a piece of black bread. You can also use thick sour cream. Sprinkle finely chopped dill on top.

2. Peel the cucumber, cut lengthwise into slices, place on a layer of greens.

3. Place chopped pieces of herring on the cucumber layer.

4. Sprinkle the top of the herring with dill again.

5. Add chopped tomato to the plate to make it even tastier. The sandwich is ready!

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Comments (15)
  1. Galya
    #1 Galya Guests October 21, 2018 08:12
    Video on the topic, clearly:
    1. Vasiliyterkin
      #2 Vasiliyterkin Guests October 22, 2018 10:58
      I know a better way...
      1. Ali
        #3 Ali Guests November 10, 2018 11:59
        and write neither? You never know what you know, here a person shared how to do it, and you are a jerk, “squeezed” - like: “I know, but everyone who doesn’t know envy me - I won’t tell you anything”... right?
  2. Felix
    #4 Felix Guests 22 October 2018 19:10
    Nothing new. But the films, herrings, and fins are touching. Like a kindergarten.
  3. adidas_2000
    #5 adidas_2000 Guests October 23, 2018 06:59
    what a fresh way, but I ate with my head
    1. Victor Dmitrovich
      #6 Victor Dmitrovich Guests 24 October 2018 09:49
      As a product, the herring head is also edible. laughing
  4. vova jan
    #7 vova jan Guests 24 October 2018 16:29
    sandwich with herring for breakfast? this is a masterpiece
    1. Demon
      #8 Demon Guests 25 October 2018 13:21
      Wash it down with milk too smile
  5. Guest Andrey
    #9 Guest Andrey Guests 25 October 2018 20:39
    Such a sandwich will fall apart at the first bite, polluting everything around it.
  6. Rustle
    #10 Rustle Guests 25 October 2018 23:53
    into a blender (without the ridge) + garlic, mayonnaise, chili = and onto a bar --- well, just wow!
  7. Elvira
    #11 Elvira Guests 26 October 2018 16:34
    I trim the herring with scissors. half a minute and you're done
  8. Valentin.
    #12 Valentin. Guests 27 October 2018 20:10
    Never don't butcher So herring Houses! You risk leaving all the meat on the backbone.
    But if you clean herring for 200-300 people (3-4 companies), then yes: this is the only way to clean such a quantity in midnight.
  9. Guest Dmitry
    #13 Guest Dmitry Guests 28 October 2018 22:32
    All this is nonsense, small bones still remain.
  10. Pensioner
    #14 Pensioner Guests October 29, 2018 00:39
    After such cutting, the herring became fat-free (all the fish oil remained on the hands and skin), an unreasonably large amount of time was wasted due to unnecessary manipulations. The “somersault” trick is simply touching, as are the children’s terms.