Repairing your favorite flash drive

It so happened that my favorite shockproof flash drive with a capacity of 4 gigabytes stopped working. And no specialized utilities could restore it.

I really liked the design of this flash drive. I spent a lot of time searching in stores for exactly the same one, but to no avail. But while I was running around the shops, I had the idea to transfer the insides from another flash drive to the body of my dead one. When I returned home, the first thing I did was disassemble my dead flash drive and evaluate the features of mounting its board in the case. Having assessed the situation, I concluded that a board from a regular retractable flash drive could fit into this case. A donor was immediately purchased, which turned out to be an 8 GB Transcend retractable flash drive.

Having disassembled the new flash drive, I unsoldered the USB connector from its board and installed it in the new case. It fit and there was some space left. Having tried it to this place, I cut off the part with the USB connector from the board of the old flash drive using metal scissors. By carefully soldering the contacts of the USB connector of the old flash drive with wires to the contact pads of the board of the new flash drive, I got the following contraction:

All that remains is to check and assemble everything.Carefully inserting the fragile structure into the computer, I heard from the speakers the familiar sound of connecting a new device. The flash drive was detected and opened, which means I didn’t damage anything and soldered everything correctly. After that, everything was carefully placed in the case and assembled. This operation can be done with many flash drives. Many manufacturers have the same type of case and in many cases you don’t even have to solder anything, and in some you will also have to glue the case together. The main thing is to carefully disassemble and reassemble everything, without mixing anything up. That's how I got an 8 GB flash drive in my favorite case labeled 4 GB. Only my friends were interested in how I increased the capacity of my flash drive for some time.

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Comments (6)
  1. zone
    #1 zone Guests 28 October 2011 21:08
    I've done this ten times poor
  2. IronMan
    #2 IronMan Guests 12 November 2011 19:44
    You can make a flash drive from a USB charger
  3. self-taught
    #3 self-taught Guests 12 June 2012 09:17
    Excellent idea! Of course, this is possible only if you manage to make a hidden flash drive in the depths of the charger, and connect the power to the network and transmit information through a cable.Using only an information network of 2 central wires, in particular, white and green. In this case, you get a universal memory block that cannot be used separately, without an outlet or without a computer. And we can store in it notebooks of logins and passwords for all sites, which is very reliable! no one can use it except you! Even if the unit remains connected only to the computer, it will not work without power. Until it is connected to an outlet. The output socket is either from a flash drive or from a mini-usb, decide for yourself!
  4. Deni
    #4 Deni Guests 3 January 2014 23:21
    Ha, I wonder how they repair flash drives with a dead controller. And you don’t need much intelligence to solder USB.
  5. Leonty
    #5 Leonty Guests May 9, 2014 00:42
    very interesting
  6. N1tro
    #6 N1tro Guests August 22, 2017 09:48
    Thanks to the author, a useful article, you get used to the carrier, and are very disappointed when it becomes faulty.