7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Summer is a great time for country picnics, but they don’t always go as pleasantly as planned. One of the reasons is that the ants have occupied the table and it is impossible to drive them away from it. If you have such problems, we advise you to use effective recommendations.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

What to do if ants appear in the house, but the tried and tested remedies no longer work? How to protect yourself from them quickly and effectively?

What to prepare

If you are going on a picnic, take metal plates with you; the diameter should be greater than the width of the table legs. If there are none, then you can use plastic ones, but you will have to improve them. We’ll tell you exactly how below. For homemade traps, you need to have some borax, vinegar and sugar. Small plastic bags and a sprayer will come in handy.

Practical advice

At a picnic, ants get onto the table along the legs, they need to cut off this path. Use deep disposable plates or other plastic containers that fit the diameter of the legs. Place them under the table and pour water. This basic protection works very effectively.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Fighting ants in the house

It is somewhat more difficult to defeat ants if they appear in a country house or cottage. We recommend making your own traps. Add three tablespoons of borax and one spoon of sugar to the glass.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Stir the mixture and pour it into small containers; sour cream or yogurt cups will do.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Add water, it is better to do this with a straw, it allows you to accurately control the amount and add more as needed. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sugar syrup.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Store borax out of the reach of children. Make holes in the container, place them on the lid and around the perimeter.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Place containers near trash cans and in ant paths. After visiting the trap, the ants should be able to return to the anthill and attract their fellows. The traps must remain in place for a long time until all the ants die.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

If you find a colony, then the task becomes easier. Didn't find it? Spray the ant with vinegar and carefully watch where it runs. The ant will always return to the colony.
If you don’t want to saturate the soil with aggressive chemicals, you can simply flood them with water.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Apply the hose to the anthill and leave the water on for several hours.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

You will have to repeat this for several days until the ants move the colony to another location and lose their marked path to your home.
Another way. Heat a pan of water on the stove and add red pepper to it, boil for a few minutes.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Pour hot liquid over the ant paths and their colony. Boiling water will kill some of the ants on the surface of the earth, and pepper will force the remaining ones to leave the colony.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

For complete guarantee, it is necessary to remove the pheromones with which they mark their paths in the house.To do this, pour vinegar into the sprayer, mix with water in a 1:1 ratio, add a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Thoroughly clean all suspicious areas in and around the house.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

7 Effective Methods to Control Ants


At a picnic, problems can arise if disposable plates are very thin and cannot support the weight of the table. But in this situation there is a way out. Place them on a solid base; it should not sag. You can use pieces of boards, branches or any available items that can support the weight of the table and not fall into the ground.
7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

But the best way to avoid attracting ants is to remove leftover food in a timely manner. They are very sociable and quickly inform their relatives that they have found food and show them the way to it. Ants are attracted to the remains of sweet cola on a metal can. Before throwing them in the trash, wash them thoroughly to remove any remaining sugary drink.
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