Free energy from the stream. Do-it-yourself mini hydroelectric power station

Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

Making a miniature hydroelectric power station for lighting, charging phones and other needs is quite simple. Such a power plant can be built at the dacha, on a hike - when setting up a tent city, and anywhere where there is no electricity, but there is a stream or spring. And you will have your own power source, which will be absolutely free and work 24 hours a day.

Will need

Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

This hydraulic turbine generates voltage in the range of 12-22 V and produces power in the region of 10-20 W.

We install a mini hydroelectric power station on a stream

We choose and find a stream. It doesn't have to have a strong current.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

Cut half of the bottle. And insert the neck into the hose. This will be a kind of water intake funnel.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

We lower it into the stream and prop it up with stones so that the entire structure does not wash away.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

Now the water flows perfectly straight into the hose.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

We lay the hose along the stream.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

As a result, water pressure builds up in the hose. And the longer the hose and the steeper the slope, the stronger the pressure in it.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

We screw a ball valve and an adapter tube to a hose to the mini turbine.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

We put the adapter on the hose.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

Our hydroelectric power station is ready for work! Open the ball valve.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

The turbine is working. We measure the output voltage. It is currently equal to 17 V.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

We connect a 12 V - 3 W light bulb.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

There is more than enough electricity.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

The turbine power is enough to connect even two light sources.
Do-it-yourself free energy from the stream Mini hydroelectric power station

If the water pressure in the hose allows, then not one, but even two turbines can be installed in series at the outlet.
I think there will definitely be a use for this design.

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Comments (17)
  1. Vlad
    #1 Vlad Guests 9 October 2019 11:36
    1000 in a row is a thing.
  2. Guest Vladimir
    #2 Guest Vladimir Guests 9 October 2019 13:01
    Pressure like a water pipe
  3. primuzz
    #3 primuzz Guests 9 October 2019 13:03
    Carrying 20 meters of hose with you on a hike for this purpose?.. no! Well, screw it.
  4. alex
    #4 alex Guests 10 October 2019 14:52
    Let's count!

    Let 1 kW*hour cost 4 rubles. It is known that the average power of this mill is 10 W (approximately). Let’s say this trinket will cost the user 600 rubles.

    Thus, in order for the generator to produce 1 kW*hour, it needs to work continuously for four days
    1000 W*hour / 10 W = 100 hour (or approximately 4 * 24 hours). During these four days, the generator will return only four rubles. In other words, he brings in freebies of about one ruble per day. Whether this type of business makes sense is up to everyone to determine for themselves.

    Go ahead. In order for this generator to fully recoup its cost, it needs to be plowed without rest for 600 days. This is almost a year and a half. If you turn it with water from the water supply, then I can’t even begin to calculate how much this water will cost. And if you install this miracle in a stream, you can imagine how long it will spin there before it gets clogged.

    In short - not serious. A toy for curious children.
    1. Well
      #5 Well Guests 10 October 2019 14:59
      It is immediately obvious that the PERSON DOES NOT UNDERSTAND what we are talking about. WHERE IN THE WILDERNESS CAN YOU BUY ELECTRICITY for 4 rubles???
      And it costs not 600 rubles, but 300! Chatterbox!
      1. alex
        #6 alex Guests 10 October 2019 15:29
        In the backwoods? In what wilderness?
        Well, 300 rubles... Well, even without taking into account the cost of delivery, what difference does it make... the order of the numbers is the same!

        It seems to me that in the wilderness (if it is some kind of stationary object, for example, a forester’s house), it is better to install either a wind generator or solar panels. And if the purpose of using this generator is a hike outside of nature, where you need to recharge your phone or navigator, then it’s probably better to take a spare charged battery or power bank. I don’t want to make the audience laugh, but it’s unlikely that you will carry a hose with you into nature.

        And this... don’t be offended that people’s opinions may differ from yours. And it’s really not good when a person calls his interlocutor names.
        1. Well
          #7 Well Guests October 11, 2019 07:55
          This is not name-calling, but a statement of fact: a person lies and compares what is not comparable. It's like comparing distance to weight.
          Whether or not to take the hose is up to you! And you cannot compare the cost of electricity produced from a home outlet with that obtained independently in the wilderness!
          If you bring your power bank, calculate when it will pay off! - answer: never, because lithium batteries are not designed for such a service life.
          And there is no need to shaggy grandma: if your opinion is different, this does not mean that it is correct!
          And if you have a stream in your country house (as in my case), you can bring a hose once and leave it there!
          What if you came to rest in a huntsman’s house in the forest? - in the forest there is neither sun nor wind for your batteries and wind generators. But the stream is at hand.
          And therefore: if you have never stuck your nose out of the house, and you don’t know what cases happen, then please don’t pretend to be the smartest one - you can’t do it.
          1. alex
            #8 alex Guests 11 October 2019 10:42
            Looks like there's some ego here. Therefore, it will be difficult for me to talk to you.
            And yes - I do not pretend to be the truth, as you thought. We will assume that you are right.
          2. Andrey Markov
            #9 Andrey Markov Guests 14 October 2019 21:04
            Well, for a long time now there have been power banks with removable batteries. Mitinsky market to help. This is Gus just for the sake of curiosity. in the wilderness, that means you can do it, but something else, simpler and more energy efficient, is no longer available?
          3. Karapet Siloyan
            #10 Karapet Siloyan Guests April 9, 2021 11:16
            I agree completely. Caucasus. In the summer, but for a couple of months I’m going to the pass. Alpine meadows. Booth houses. There’s a stream nearby. Here’s light and exercise for you. Live and be happy.
      2. Guest
        #11 Guest Guests October 11, 2019 00:49
        Well, let it be as you wrote.
        Well, still count it if it’s not difficult.
      3. Guest Yuri
        #12 Guest Yuri Guests 11 October 2019 04:36
        What wilderness are we talking about? If you take it on a hike, then you need to carry a hose anyway. A normal person will never take an extra gram. If you install houses in the presence of a stream on the site, then the benefits are also doubtful. And in the apartment the plumbing is absolutely nonsense.
        1. alex
          #13 alex Guests 11 October 2019 10:52
          Duck, Well said that he has a stream in his dacha (see above). And apparently there is no electricity at all. Therefore, I dare to assume that Well would like to extract at least some benefit from the stream. But the benefit, as it turned out, is one ruble a day. And you need to invest not only in the cost of the generator, you also need a hose, you need more wires... He won’t run to the stream every time to charge the batteries. Or is the whole mission of this generator to illuminate a piece of clearing? What about hoses and generators in winter? It's terrible what you have to survive in winter!

          I'm sure there are smarter ways to solve electrical problems that are less expensive, more reliable, and provide more energy. What, in fact, I would like to talk to Well about, But no, no! His problems. I have no problems with electricity.
    2. Sencis
      #14 Sencis Guests 13 November 2019 20:01
      In your conclusions, you did not take into account complete autonomy from the energy network and the costs of its transportation, which is expensive if the energy you purchased is turned off; this energy will always be with you. Of course, regarding this particular device, it is probably not very reliable and will not be able to work for a long time, but in general there is a point in this idea.
    3. Igor_0261
      #15 Igor_0261 Guests 19 June 2020 20:14
      Of course, it makes no sense to compare it with electricity from an outlet...this is if this outlet is available.
      What if there is no outlet?
      A hut in the mountains or taiga, and you come there for hunting, fishing...
      An automatic weather station somewhere in the mountains...
      Someone will say a windmill... but a windmill is bulky and unreliable,
      wind is not a very stable element.
      Solar panels are expensive and also quite bulky.
      Of course, not every place has a suitable stream, but if there is one, then the result is a very, very cheap energy supply.
      If the stream allows, then several such microturbines can be installed in parallel or in series.
      You can charge batteries and get more power from them for a short time.
      And when leaving for a long time, you can simply take it all off and take it with you.
      You are unlikely to be able to take a windmill or solar panels with you.
  5. Anatoly Ivanovich Morozov
    #16 Anatoly Ivanovich Morozov Guests November 17, 2019 11:24
    I would like to correct this - the pressure in the hose does not depend on its length, but on the difference in height between the inlet and outlet.
  6. Igor 02603
    #17 Igor 02603 Guests 19 June 2020 19:06
    1. This is an advertisement.
    2. This is an extremely stupid advertisement.
    In principle, it’s probably a good thing, and it doesn’t seem expensive... But...
    cat in a poke...
    It was necessary to somehow clearly give operational characteristics.
    A table or graph depending on the water column/water consumption, power.
    EMF and internal resistance of the generator.
    How to solve the problem of debris getting into the impeller?
    What size debris does the turbine allow through itself, and how easy is it to disassemble it all for cleaning?

    Very, very stupid ad.