Free energy at your home

The simplest thermal power plant is free energy that can be obtained at your home. This mini power plant uses heat from your central heating system. Why free? – Because all the heat remains in your home and is not lost anywhere. The energy will be generated by the well-known Peltier element, which is not difficult to obtain in our time.

What is needed to obtain energy?

- Heating pipe, temperature from 50 degrees. - Pipe mount - made by myself from various rubbish. - Aluminium foil. - Peltier element - aliexpress - USB boost converter - aliexpress - Radiator – aliexpress - Load – LED lamp – aliexpress

Peltier element:

First, let's measure the temperature of the central heating pipe. Its temperature is 60, which is quite enough to generate electricity.

I put together this design:

The radiator, then there is an attachment to the battery, and between them there is a Peltier thermoelectric module.

This is necessary so that the battery heats one side of the module, and the free convection radiator cools the other side.

As a result of the temperature difference, the Peltier element will begin to generate electricity. And the greater the temperature difference between its sides, the greater the voltage will be at the output.

You will need this mount to attach the module to the battery.

First, of course, we screw it to the radiator, and then only to the battery. For better heat transfer, lubricate both surfaces to which the module touches with thermal conductive paste.

The mount has a rectangular shape and the pipe is round. To ensure good heat transfer, we will make a kind of gasket out of foil that will take the shape of both sides. We stuff the foil very tightly.

If we calculate the temperature difference that will be applied to the Peltier module, the result will be approximately 35-40 degrees Celsius. The output will have a small voltage, about 0.5-1.5 volts. This tension, of course, is not enough for anything. Although the voltage is low, it has a decent output current. Therefore, we connected a step-up voltage converter to the output of the module, with a stabilized voltage at the input.

Well, the load of the converter can be either a cell phone or an LED flashlight.

We connect our thermal power plant to the battery. Carefully tighten the screws. After some time, our source of alternative energy should work.

I decided to use the resulting energy to illuminate the corridor at night. I ran the wires and hung up the LED light. Now, at night, you can calmly get up and go about your nightly business without turning on the general lighting and without disturbing anyone.

What use you find is up to you!

If the pipe to which you will connect your power plant will be located in a place where noise will not interfere, say, in the toilet in the bathroom, in the kitchen.Then you can use a radiator with a cooler. Powering the cooler from the converter. Then the power of the power plant will increase slightly.

You can create a great variety of such power sources around the house. Yes, of course, it’s a big minus that everything will work only when the central heating is on, but still the experience is quite interesting. Although in winter it is almost always dark and this is where this homemade product comes to the rescue, but in summer it is almost always light, and it is not so needed.

Be brave, friends!

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Comments (9)
  1. screw
    #1 screw Guests 25 September 2017 21:48
    Will the phone charge?
    1. Guest Dima
      #2 Guest Dima Guests 26 September 2017 18:16
      Unlikely. You need 2-3 elements most likely.
  2. Alexander Babiy
    #3 Alexander Babiy Guests 1 November 2017 17:48
    I installed LED lighting in the hallway, bathroom and toilet. I connected 0.1 uF 600 volt capacitors parallel to the contacts of the switches. When the lights turn off, LEDs They continue to shine with a small light, enough to orientate themselves and not stumble. The total power of all switched off lamps is about 1 watt. Almost no charge.
    1. Valya
      #4 Valya Guests November 2, 2017 06:57
      Almost free, but give me 1 W))) Very interesting.
  3. Alexander
    #5 Alexander Guests 10 January 2018 22:17
    And in the summer and almost all year round, you can use a heated towel rail in the bathroom.
    1. Valery I.
      #6 Valery I. Guests 16 February 2018 16:19
      In new houses, the hot water supply is run through a heated towel rail, but in old buildings - alas, oh!
  4. Anatoly Ivanovich
    #7 Anatoly Ivanovich Guests 14 May 2018 05:40
    Much simpler, cheaper, without electrical skills and at any time of the year, without running a heating system, I illuminate the corridor and bathroom completely free of charge. How to do it? LED light bulbs with neon switches.
  5. Gregory
    #8 Gregory Guests 24 December 2018 15:28
    FREE RIGHTS! And if the heating is apartment-by-apartment? Is it not possible to make power from the street cold? And the house will be warmer.
  6. Guest Mikhail
    #9 Guest Mikhail Guests 24 December 2018 15:30
    Free, yeah! There are devices for free production of mechanical energy, but the device itself costs so much that you can buy a tank of diesel fuel. It's the same here. The initial capital costs per watt are such that it is easier to buy a solar battery.