Free decor and wall insulation

There are enough materials for decorative wall decoration. But this does not stop creative people from coming up with new homemade examples of such decor. So today we present to you decorative tiles in the form of cut bricks, which are easy to make yourself at home. In addition, it will serve as a good insulating coating for interior walls.
Free decor and wall insulation

The material is made from a mixture of corrugated cardboard (egg trays) and gypsum, sealed with water. The manufacturing technology does not yet provide for special automation. Simply put, tile briquettes are molded by hand. The tiles are lightweight and a pleasure to work with!

Necessary ingredients for work

  • Egg trays;
  • Gypsum mixture;
  • Water;
  • Kneading container;
  • Shallow packaging trays made of polystyrene;
  • Polyethylene film;
  • Knife or stack for molding bricks.

Features of the technology

The proportions can be selected experimentally, taking into account that the bulk of this mixture is allocated to corrugated cardboard. Gypsum acts as a binding agent, giving the mass density and rigidity. Cellulose fibers, abundantly contained in corrugated cardboard, reinforce the material after drying, preventing it from cracking.
Instead of pure gypsum, which tends to dry quickly, you can use gypsum putty or plaster. In addition to gypsum, they contain polymer additives that can protect the cardboard base from absorbing moisture in the finished material.
Another advantage of this material is its low thermal conductivity. Due to the porous structure, air is retained in it, maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room.

Making decorative tiles - step-by-step instructions

Before kneading, you need to prepare all the ingredients. We chop the corrugation so that it is quickly saturated with water. It must be taken into account that the apparent volume of corrugated cardboard will decrease during mixing.
Fill the corrugated cardboard with water so that the batch is not dry. There should be enough water so that you can mix the gypsum mixture in it.
Free decor and wall insulation

You can stir with your hands or a spatula.
Due to the fact that gypsum dries quite quickly, it should be added at the end, when the corrugated cardboard has already absorbed all the water and has swollen properly.
Free decor and wall insulation

After stirring everything to a homogeneous plastic mass, you can put it in molds, having previously covered them with plastic wrap. This will make it easy to remove the finished tile and retain its shape for subsequent work.
Free decor and wall insulation

Free decor and wall insulation

It is also convenient to form tiles with film, compacting the mass and giving it clear dimensions. The outer side of the casting is obtained from the back side of the tile. We level it by turning the briquette upside down on the work table and pressing it manually.
Free decor and wall insulation

Free decor and wall insulation

After some time, the briquettes, wrapped in film, are removed from the molds and stored for drying. The film is removed, and the excess mass is trimmed with a knife or trimmed with a stack.
Free decor and wall insulation

After final drying, the material is ready for use. The tiles lend themselves perfectly to finishing with paint or any finishing decorative compositions.It is best to glue it to the wall using drywall adhesive (Perlfix), tile adhesive or liquid nails.
From such tiles you can create collages or background wall decoration, or decorate architectural elements, for example, false fireplaces, niches or columns. This is an excellent and practically free material for implementing interior decoration ideas!
Free decor and wall insulation

Free decor and wall insulation

Free decor and wall insulation

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Comments (1)
  1. Sergey
    #1 Sergey Guests October 5, 2020 02:35
    You buy a PVC panel of the desired shape of bricks or stone from the store for about 150 rubles. (choose deeper). Take alabaster, mix according to the instructions and quickly pour the mixture from the back of the PVC panel and spread with a spatula. Since Alabaster hardens quickly, first we carefully prepare everything and do everything quickly too. Otherwise, you will end up with frozen plaster in the bucket. We figure out the amount of kneading as we go. At first, don’t knead too much so that there is no waste. After half an hour or an hour (depending on the ambient temperature), carefully remove the frozen bricks and stones. It comes out easily, no need to lubricate anything. 100% copy of the form. The form does not suffer.Pour in the next batch. We dry the resulting bricks for three days (they should become completely white). If a brick breaks during excavation, do not throw it away; you will still have to break some in half for installation. All. Very simple and fast. In the store you can find various forms of PVC panels with beautiful stone options for every taste. One panel is half a square meter. I get 2.5 square meters of bricks from a 5 kg package of Alabaster. the cost of Alabaster is not high, and the cost of ready-made bricks starts from 900 rubles per square meter. count for yourself.