A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

The recently widespread technology of frame construction involves the use of columnar foundations. Frame buildings are so light in comparison with brick and aerated concrete that supports made of car tires filled with crushed stone can be used as a foundation for them.


  • tires;
  • square paving slabs 40-50 cm;
  • concrete blocks;
  • crushed stone

A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

Construction of the foundation

At the construction site, the perimeter of future walls is marked. Its symmetry is checked diagonally, after which places for installing tire supports are marked. They should be located in the corners, as well as along the line of the walls in increments of 1.5 m. The distance between them depends on the mass of the future structure. For example, if it is a house with solid wood furniture and an aquarium with 1 cubic meter of water, then tires will be installed more often.
A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

After this, the tires are laid out according to the markings. It is important that they lie on previously compacted, undug soil, which has been compacted over the years. If this is not the case, then you need to dig down to solid ground. Each tire is immediately leveled horizontally.
A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

Then crushed stone is poured into the tires. It needs to be evenly distributed so that it gets over the sides. It is better not to use sand as bedding, as it often attracts ants, who take it away.
A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

Next, square paving slabs of sufficient size are laid on the tires with crushed stone. If you are using tires from a passenger car, then 40x40 cm tiles are suitable; for tires from a truck you need a larger one. When laying it, it is also important to monitor compliance with the horizontal.
A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

A solid concrete block is placed on top of the tiles. You can buy a specialized foundation one, or mix the concrete in advance and use a plywood mold to make it yourself. The block will allow you to lift the wooden structure higher from the ground.
A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

After this, you can begin assembling the harness. It is knocked together, after which it is lifted onto blocks and leveled. Naturally, since each support was equal only horizontally, but not in height to each other, the harness would not lie everywhere. You will need to place wooden blocks of the required height under it. It is also necessary to place roofing felt waterproofing between the blocks and bars.
A cheap foundation made from car tires in a couple of hours

This is perhaps the simplest and cheapest foundation you can have. It is suitable for a small one-story summer house 6x6 m, a workshop or small frame-type outbuildings.

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Comments (7)
  1. Aless DAN
    #1 Aless DAN Guests 12 April 2020 12:40
    All my outbuildings and garages are made this way.
  2. Anton
    #2 Anton Guests 12 April 2020 19:25
    The idea is interesting, but, it seems to me, it is risky to use for critical structures, because Is there a risk that the house will warp in the spring? I think so
  3. Oleg Petrov
    #3 Oleg Petrov Guests April 13, 2020 00:47
    Hurricane wind and your HALABUDA will fly away like plywood over Paris 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Construction from God!!!
  4. Alexander
    #4 Alexander Guests 13 April 2020 13:36
    It will fly away from the wind, any house standing on a foundation, meaning a timber frame, is not tied to the foundation, they don’t fly away, but this option is interesting, especially in places where there is groundwater
  5. Alexander Kvasha
    #5 Alexander Kvasha Guests 13 April 2020 18:54
    I also made a similar foundation, but instead of tires I used paving slabs, if you are interested, you can take a look. Nothing happened to the construction in a year.
  6. Igor 02603
    #6 Igor 02603 Guests 19 June 2020 20:23
    Question: Why not just lay the same slabs on the ground?
    Yes, because the soil freezes in winter and it heaves... and this heaving is uneven, your house will simply warp and tear.
    And your tires covered with rubble don't change anything.
    But there is a much smarter idea - a house without a foundation at all.
    Instead of a foundation, tires... just empty tires.
    The tires are elastic and will distribute the load evenly.
    If there is heaving, the elastic elements will compensate for these deformations and redistribute the load a little, but not as much as in the case of hard concrete or crushed stone.
    1. Guest Andrey
      #7 Guest Andrey Guests 29 September 2020 17:16
      I have a five-year-old chicken coop on Tonar tires!!!