3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

Moisture-loving plants in pots require frequent and sometimes daily watering. Without the ability to care for them constantly, you can make an irrigation system. It will allow you to extend the supply of water over a long period of time, thereby eliminating frequent attention to the plant.

Option 1: Drip irrigation from a bottle

3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

To assemble such a system, you need to tape 2 wooden sticks, each 40 cm long, to a plastic bottle with tape.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

The horns of them should protrude towards the neck. Then the bottom of the bottle is cut off. This is done after winding the sticks so that it does not deform.
The sticks are immersed in the ground away from the thick roots of the plant. Water is poured into the bottle through the cut bottom.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

After this, the plug opens a little and water begins to seep through it.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

You need to adjust it so that one drop falls every few seconds. Depending on the volume of the bottle, one refill will be enough to water the plant for 1-2 days. This option is suitable for outdoor pots where the soil dries out quickly.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

Method 2: Root watering through a pipe

For this method, you need to take a piece of polypropylene pipe, and after heating its end, press the neck of a plastic bottle into it.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

Before this, the bottom is cut off.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

Then a hole is made in the soil near the root of the plant with a tube of the same diameter, and the system is inserted into it. After this, water is poured into the bottle.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

The liquid leaves the system in about 12 hours. At the same time, all of it falls under the root, without compacting the upper layers of the soil. This eliminates disruption of oxygen supply to the roots. Watering in this way eliminates the need to loosen the soil.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

Method 3: Long-term drip irrigation

For this system, you need to select a fairly thick twine or rope, preferably cotton. It needs to be tied in half, pre-soaked and one edge dipped into the bottle to the very bottom.
Then the bottle with a rope is placed near the pot a little higher than it. The second end of the twine is placed under the trunk of the plant. The water from the bottle will rise up the rope and slowly drip into the pot.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

This is slow watering. A bottle of water will fill several liters in 5-6 days. This version of the system can be recommended for a small indoor plant. He will help out if you need to leave for a week, leaving the flowers without care. You can also use a large 5-10 liter bottle instead of a bottle to extend the watering period without refilling. The speed of drops rolling into the pot can be increased by folding the rope several times.
3 ways to organize a plant watering system during your absence

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