9 useful homemade products from a smartphone
A smart cell phone or smartphone combines much more advanced functions than you might guess. This microcomputer can be used as a measuring center; it can replace about 10 measuring instruments or more. Here is just a small list of homemade products, thanks to which it is possible to use a smartphone in a completely different area for the benefit of a home craftsman.
How to turn your smartphone into an oscilloscope
An oscilloscope made from a smartphone is perfect for monitoring and visualizing low-frequency signals. The phone itself does not need to be altered or opened; it is enough to assemble the external gadget. Read more here - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/5269-prostoj-samodelnyj-oscillograf-iz-smartfona.html
How to make a hidden wiring detector from a smartphone
You can find wiring in the wall without expensive equipment. All you need to do is install the appropriate software on your phone, more details here - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/5813-detektor-skrytoj-provodki-iz-smartfona.html
Making a tester from a phone
To test circuits for short circuits, you can use a smartphone with a homemade attachment as a tester - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/3924-tester-iz-smartfona.html
Universal control panel for any smartphone device
Using your phone you can control absolutely any device, just make a simple IR transmitter and install the application - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/4029-universalnyy-ik-pult-iz-smartfona.html
How to make an antenna for a smartphone in a couple of minutes
You can improve your cellular signal reception in a simple way - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/4391-antenna-dlya-smartfona-za-3-minuty.html
DIY night vision device from a mobile phone
If you have an unnecessary smartphone lying around, then you can easily turn it into a real night vision device that can work in 100% darkness - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/5159-pribor-nochnogo-videnija-iz-mobilnogo-telefona-svoimi-rukami.html
How to turn your smartphone into a metal detector in 1 minute
Look for reinforcement in the wall, look for metal objects in the ground - all this can be done using your phone - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/5497-kak-prevratit-smartfon-v-metalloiskatel-za-1-minutu.html
How to give any phone wireless charging functionality
Does your phone not have wired charging? You can add it with a simple modification - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/6082-kak-nadelit-ljuboj-telefon-funkciej-besprovodnoj-zarjadki.html
How to make an adapter for connecting a flash drive and other devices to a smartphone
To exchange files via a flash drive, or connect a keyboard, mouse and camera, you can use a homemade adapter - https://home.washerhouse.com/en/6133-kak-sdelat-perehodnik-dlja-podkljuchenija-fleshki-k-smartfonu.html