This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

Summer is the season of berries and fruits, but the entire harvest may be lost due to annoying birds, then I will tell you how to make a simple homemade product to get rid of flying pests. Also, with its vibration along the rod, it perfectly repels moles in the ground where it is installed.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

We will need:

  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 or 2 liters.
  • A piece of tin.
  • Long self-tapping screw or nail.
  • Short self-tapping screw.

This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

Making a turntable:

We take a bottle and cut off the bottom of it. Using a marker, divide the bottom into 10 parts, and cut out five of them, passing through one. You should now have a propeller.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

Let's deal with the “noise” part of the turntable. We cut out three square plates from tin with sides 1 centimeter long. We drill holes in them of such a diameter that the plates fit freely onto a small self-tapping screw.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

To completely assemble the rotating part, we pierce a hole in the cork with an awl.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

We collect. We put a plate, a propeller, the two remaining plates on the self-tapping screw and screw it all into the cork, but not tightly, so that everything can rotate freely.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

We begin making the body of the turntable, for this we will need the rest of the bottle. We make two holes in it opposite each other. The holes should be of such a diameter that the bottle can rotate freely on a large screw.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

Let's connect all the parts together. We screw the cork with the propeller onto the bottle, and screw the large self-tapping screw together with the bottle into the stick. We set up a stick in the garden and wait for the wind.
This bottle spinner will instantly scare away all the birds in your area.

Such a turntable can be made very quickly and from available materials, and the birds will no longer attack and destroy the harvest of berries, fruits and vegetables.
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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Konstantin
    #1 Guest Konstantin Guests 10 July 2020 23:07
    Not! This is just for beauty! They don't care about these devices. Verified.