Chicken sausage - fast, tasty, healthy

The range of sausages on store shelves today is impressive. Every day there are some new products from different manufacturers. The price of some sausages is too high for the average buyer. But I want to buy a high-quality sausage that will not be scary to feed to children. In this case, the best solution would be to prepare the sausage yourself at home. Moreover, the recipe for making homemade sausage is very simple. Today's recipe will tell you how to make chicken sausage from minced meat. This option turns out to be a little more budget-friendly than homemade sausage made from pork or beef.
Chicken sausage, quick, delicious, simple


So, you will need the following set of products and spices:
  • - chicken fillet 800 g;
  • - garlic 5-6 cloves;
  • - food gelatin 30 g;
  • - salt, and other favorite seasonings to your taste (in this case it is paprika, a mixture of peppers and all-purpose seasoning).

Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Cooking chicken sausage

The chicken fillet must be washed well and cut into small pieces approximately 1-1.5 cm in size.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

So to speak, chop it so that the sausage is truly “chopped meat.” When all the meat is chopped into cubes, you can move on to the next step.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

The garlic must be peeled and then grated on a fine grater.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Soak gelatin in cold water.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

And when it swells, add it to the chicken fillet along with the garlic. Add one teaspoon of each type of prepared spices there.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Then mix everything thoroughly.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Place the chicken fillet on cling film and form into a sausage.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

And then wrap it in several layers of cling film.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

After that, all that remains is to cook homemade sausage. This can be done on the stove (50-60 minutes in boiling water) or in a slow cooker. Whichever is more convenient for you.
When the sausage is ready, it must be removed from the pan and left in cling film until it cools completely.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

And then put it in the refrigerator for several hours. If you make the sausage in the evening, it will be ready by morning.
Now you can remove the cling film from it and cut the sausage into sandwiches.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

It cuts easily. And even on thin slices it holds its shape. Therefore, such sausage can even be served to guests. She looks quite presentable. And most importantly, everything is natural, without preservatives.
Chicken sausage quickly delicious healthy

Bon appetit!
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