Funny kitten fridge magnet

Often you want to please your family and friends with some cute little thing. Or just do something that is functional and simply pleasing to the eye. A funny kitten magnet for the refrigerator can be such a cute and completely uncomplicated souvenir.
To make it you will need:
- a piece of dense material (felt, flannel or wool) of bright color measuring 15 cm x 25 cm;
- a piece of white loose fabric (calico or flannel) measuring 3 cm x 5 cm;
- threads to match the main fabric (or similar in color to it);
- white threads;
- black threads;
- magnet;
- needle;
- Super glue;
- filler (sintepon, cotton wool, etc.).
On a large piece of fabric on the front side, draw with a pencil the outlines of the patterns in the form of a kitten’s body. Then cut out these two small figures of the future souvenir.

Funny kitten fridge magnet

Their height should be approximately 15 cm, width - approximately 10 cm. Cut two small circles with a diameter of a centimeter from calico. Sew these white eye circles onto the front side of one of the patterns and embroider pupils on them.

Then embroider the cat’s nose, eyelashes, mustache, and mouth.Place the two patterns with the front parts facing each other and sew them together from the wrong side. There is no need to sew until the end - leave a section of 3-4 cm in order to turn the sewn figures inside out. Turn them right side out and stuff them tightly with filling.

Then carefully use a blind stitch to sew the unstitched hole on the side of the toy. Distribute the filler evenly inside the belly of the toy. Make a small bow from a white piece of fabric (about 3cm x 2cm).

Then sew this bow of white fabric on the front under the muzzle.

Glue a magnet onto the back of the toy using super glue. Let the glue dry thoroughly. That's it, a cute little handmade souvenir is ready.

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Olga
    #1 Olga Guests 20 November 2014 23:05
    The idea is good, but the execution is very sloppy.