8 popular ways to remove ice from car windows

8 popular ways to remove ice from car windows

Removing ice from the windows after freezing rain takes a lot of time, so you have to get up early in the morning to prepare the car for departure. It is necessary to remove ice from both the windshield and the rear, side, as well as headlights and mirrors. This is the key to safe driving with a good view of the road.

What needs to be done before removing ice dams to make the process go faster

The easiest way to remove ice is to simultaneously start the engine and turn on the heater to maximum. In this case, the air flow regulator must be set to the middle position, and the blowing should be directed to the windshield. Since the motor is cold at first, it will heat up evenly without a sharp drop. The air intake is set from the passenger compartment, so the car warms up faster. At the same time, we turn on the heated rear window and mirrors, if such an option is provided.
Air flow regulator direct blowing to the windshield

Method 1. Remove ice with a scraper

Most often, drivers use a special scraper. He takes ice, but only if the interior has already warmed up and the ice has begun to gradually melt and peel off.
Ice scraper

Method 2. Remove ice with a bank card

If you don't have a scraper, you can use an old bank card instead.It is objectively worse, but it works if the ice is already leaving the warm glass. The card is good for removing wet snow.
Cleaning ice with a bank card

Method 3. Warm water

If you pour warm, but not hot water over the ice, everything will come off very quickly. All that remains is to go through it with a scraper or a card.
Removing ice with warm water

Remove ice with a scraper after thawing

Method 4. Vodka

Vodka also dissolves ice. It works, but you need to pour a lot of it, and its effectiveness is worse than that of warm water.
Removing ice from car windows with vodka

Vodka dissolved the ice

Method 5. Warm water with salt

Warm salty water works even better, but salt will ruin paint, rubber bands, and metal, so it's best not to use this method at all.
Warm water with salt

Method 6. Glass defrosters

You can use special glass defroster liquids. This is a convenient, simple option, but not free.
Glass defrosters

Method 7. Setting up autorun

This method is for the lazy. If your car has an alarm system with auto start, you can set the engine to start periodically so that it warms up at night once every couple of hours. Then in the morning you will have a warm interior and clean glass waiting for you. The downside of this method is the excessive consumption of fuel.
Setting up autorun

Method 8. Blanket on glass

At night, you can cover the glass with an old sheet, pressing it from the sides with the doors. This will only protect the windshield, but the back and sides will still be covered in ice, so this method is only a half-measure. In addition, frozen fabric will be difficult to bend and fold. It will have to be transferred to the passenger compartment or trunk, and this is unnecessary dampness.
way to remove ice from car windows - Cover on glass

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Comments (1)
  1. Vitaly
    #1 Vitaly Guests January 2, 2021 00:22
    Well, that is, everything is as before - with a scraper.
    What is the point of the article? Seven other methods are either less effective, in the opinion of the author himself, or require advance preparation.