What is the best rust remover? Testing 10 popular solutions

What is the best rust remover? Testing 10 popular solutions

Cleaning rusty parts from corrosion is a long routine job. In order not to bother with this, various liquids are often used that allow this to be done with minimal effort. Let's compare them in terms of cleaning efficiency of equally rusty springs, and select the most effective compositions.

Choosing the best DIY rust remover

We take 10 equally rusty springs.
We take 10 equally rusty springs

We hang each one in a jar with the appropriate solution.
We hang each spring in a balcony with the appropriate solution

We do electrolysis separately.
We do electrolysis separately

All samples:
Testing 10 popular rust removal solutions

The result of testing 10 samples:

Evapo-Rust rust remover

According to the results of the test, this composition cleaned the spring outside, inside and between turns in 12 hours. The product is good, but not cheap, and the cost is considerable.
Spring after removing rust with Evapo-Rust

Removing rust with WD-40

This remedy turned out to be just as effective. The spring was free of rust in 12 hours. The composition itself darkened after that.
Spring after removing rust with WD-40

Tool "CLR"

The composition is similar to the previous ones. Cleaning it also took 12 hours. The products can be recommended for use.
Spring after removing rust with CLR

Means "ZEP"

This specialized tool also turned out to work. It took 12 hours to remove the rust. The quality of cleaning is similar to previous liquids.
Spring after removing rust with ZEP

Removing rust with vinegar

Vinegar removes rust, but slowly, and it is accompanied by an unpleasant, pungent odor. Therefore, if you work outdoors, then it is suitable. This is a very cheap method, but it took 24 hours to clean up. The spring itself had rust between the coils, so it could have been kept in vinegar longer.
Removing rust with vinegar

Removing rust with citric acid

A solution of citric acid in water cleaned the spring in 12 hours. Everything is similar to specialized store-bought formulations, but cheaper. Citric acid gives almost no odor, so this method must be adopted.
Removing rust with citric acid

Hydrochloric acid solution with water 50:50

This composition removes rust the fastest. The spring was clean after 2 hours. However, hydrochloric acid is a caustic substance, which also needs to be disposed of correctly. If the part is not pulled out in time, the acid will begin to corrode the normal metal. The method has both advantages and disadvantages. The part removed from the acid must be dipped into a solution of baking soda to extinguish its residues.
Removing rust with hydrochloric acid solution


Soda contains citric acid, so its use has some effect. However, even after 48 hours it is barely noticeable. All the stories that Cola can wash away anything are greatly exaggerated. It turned out to be the most ineffective.
Spring after rust removal Coca-Cola


Pepsi is slightly better than Coke. After 48 hours, the effect of soda is more pronounced, but not sufficient. Pepsi won't work for rust removal either.
Spring after removing rust with Pepsi


For electrolysis, you need to place the part in a weak solution of baking soda in water. An electrode (steel rod) is lowered into the container.“+” from the power supply is connected to it, and “-” to the part. Then the voltage is turned on. After 8 hours of electrolysis, the spring was completely cleaned. It is not worth holding any longer to prevent the metal from corroding.
Spring after removing rust by electrolysis


We will use a sandblasting machine as a standard for comparison. It is the undisputed leader, as it removes paint, dirt, rust, down to white metal and very quickly.

Removing rust using sandblasting


After sandblasting, sulfuric acid comes in terms of efficiency and speed, then electrolyte. Specialized compounds worked equally well; citric acid is on the same level with them. Vinegar did the worst job, except for soda, which turned out to be useless against rust.
10 samples after rust removal

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Comments (1)
  1. Vitaly
    #1 Vitaly Guests 9 January 2021 23:31
    The idea of ​​such a comparison is very good, but the test is not fully completed. Well, they removed the rust, and then? The rust is removed to use the part. So it was necessary to check whether the spring had lost its consumer qualities.What about the brittleness of the metal after the rust is removed? It was necessary to check all the tension springs to see if they would burst. It would also be nice to measure the diameter of the wire with a caliper before and after.