Yeast solution for one-time feeding of tomato seedlings

Strong, powerful tomato seedlings can be grown if you take into account the mineral nutrition of nightshade plants. Even in cases where you use a high-quality substrate rich in humus and mineral components to sow seeds, during the growth of seedlings on the windowsill they must be provided with additional doses of certain macro- and microelements.

This is due to the limited size of the landing tanks. In closed ground, root shoots are not able to extract a full ration of elements, which they would receive under conditions of development of soil horizons in the beds. In this situation, “tomato growers” ​​advise systematically feeding.

Typically, during the seedlings’ stay at home (55-75 days), tomato seedlings are fertilized three times:

1. For the first time, plants are fed with complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen in the phase of cotyledon leaves or the first true leaf. It is worth considering that if the sprouts are stretched due to a lack of light, then it is better to wait a while with the application of nitrogen fertilizers. The weakest solution is prepared for immature seedlings.

2.The second feeding is carried out a few days before or 10 days after picking or transferring the seedlings into individual planting containers, using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with a low concentration of nitrogen.

3. It is advisable to carry out the third feeding a week before planting the seedlings in a permanent place. To strengthen the roots during this period, fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus are especially important.

Additional fertilizer for tomato seedlings

However, experienced tomato growers advise also feeding yeast while the seedlings are in greenhouse conditions. It is best to apply fresh baker's yeast starter, diluted with soft water, 10 days after the second feeding or 10 days before the third.

Enriching the soil with active yeasts stimulates the growth of all parts of the seedlings. This type of feeding has a particularly beneficial effect on the formation of the root system. The mash is very simple to prepare. The effect of watering tomato seedlings with a yeast solution becomes noticeable to the naked eye within 2-3 days after the procedure.

Sourdough recipe

Dissolve a teaspoon of fresh yeast and a tablespoon of sugar in a liter of warm water (it is best to use heated well or settled water). Let the solution ferment for 2-3 hours in a warm place.

Feeding recipe

Dilute the prepared master concentrate in a ratio of 1:5. Water all tomato seedlings with the solution instead of scheduled watering, preferably in the morning. Do not use starter at the same time as other fertilizers, both organic and mineral. At least a week should pass between their introduction.

In addition to tomatoes, the starter solution can be safely added to the “diet” of other seedling crops: cabbage, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, petunias, salvia, celery, onions, etc.To moisten the substrate with yeast infusion in the planting containers of these plants, choose the time between main feedings.

Do not overuse yeast supplements. Despite the fact that seedlings grow by leaps and bounds after fermentation, frequent use of this fertilizer leads to a deterioration in the absorption of potassium by seedlings. A one-time feeding of tomatoes with yeast at the stage of growing seedlings is quite enough. The diluted starter can be added one more time 2-3 weeks after transplanting the plants to a permanent place.

Have a good harvest!

Free fertilizer that will increase the yield of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers -
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