DIY device for picking cherries from a bottle in 5 minutes

It’s impossible to pick cherries from the thin upper branches with your hands, but that’s where the berries are the best. You can only reach them with a special device. It won't be difficult to do it.


  • PET bottle 1.5-2 l;
  • long pole;
  • self-tapping screw

The process of making a device for picking cherries

To make the device you will need a plastic bottle. It is necessary to cut a window 80-90 mm wide. The beginning of the cut in the transverse direction is made 120 mm from the bottom. The corners of the window on the neck side must be rounded. As you approach the bottom, the side cuts need to be brought together, creating a thin groove on the bottom stiffening rib.

It is in it that you can put the berries in and pick them so that they fall into the bottle.

Now we put the bottle neck on a long pole and secure it with a self-tapping screw. You can also use a fishing rod to make the device lighter.

Now you can put the berries into the groove on the bottle and pick them down with a downward movement. The cherries will fall down and collect in the bottle.Having picked about a glass of berries, the device is lowered and the container is emptied.

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